Hi guys,
I’m a house bowler, about 190 ish 275 to 300 rev rate about 15 mph. So obviously I don’t have the hand to stand left and throw right blindly.
For league I bowl second shift nights on light oil . So for league I always have friction somewhere. I just have to move around to find it or oil for that matter.
Problem is when I bowl tournaments. Almost always on fresh oil. Although on house shots, I feel I waste at least a game trying to find a playable shot. Obviously part of it is operating error and stubbornness. But typically I go through shadows have a lot of backend. As game one goes on the back ends tighten up and I’ll move right with my feet. Eventually I’ll leave a washout or miss the headpin right. Start switching balls until i see good midlane reaction, then I’m usually good for the rest of the set.
I’ll usually start shadows with a strong hybrid or pearl like the code red and black. Is that part of the problem? Start with something else to get a better read and adjust? If I can just get a playable shot by half of the first game I would be way ahead. Of course goal is to figure it out by end of shadows, but I’ll be realistic too since this is a big problem for me.
Thanks in advance.