Track 930t (pin under small hole..3 1/2 from PAP.. 4000 Abralon)
Columbia Full Swing (Pin under, no hole, 4 1/2 from PAP 4000 Abralon
Track 715c (Drilled Pin under small hole.. 5 1/4 from PAP,2000 polish)
Ebonite Magic (pin over, no hole, 4" from PAP 2000 Polished)
Hammer Raw Hammer Acid (Pin under, small hole 4 3/8s from PAP, 4000 Abralon
Columbia Sharp Noize (Pin over, 5 3/8s from PAP, 4000 Polished
Ebonite Bash ( Pin 12 o clock, polished)
Am I missing a really strong pearl, I don't really wanna overlap here. I was thinking about getting a Mission, and a Total Bedlam not sure if it would fill any gaps.. Thanks for reading.
Ten In The Pit Pro Shop
-Located Inside Salt River Lanes in New Baltimore Mi-