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Author Topic: What weight should I use?....15 or 14  (Read 1257 times)


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What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« on: February 17, 2009, 08:02:17 AM »
In reading the current issue of Bowling This Month, there are certain pros and cons to throwing the different weights..I am a high tracker trying to generate more speed and pin action...Currently, I throw 15 lbs and 15  mph and I am having slight speed issues.  By going down in weight, I am thinking I can accomplish this goal...Since the weight blocks are essentially the same, it is worth a shot...

Tell me what you think...



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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 04:06:22 PM »
I throw 15lbs as well. But when the lanes start to transition and my regular speed with a 15lber(16-17mph)is to slow, I use 14lbs to get an extra 1-2mph on average. This helps the ball get down the lane quicker. Also I have a little bit more revs with a 14lb which makes up for the faster speed. Hope this helps you out.
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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 05:55:16 PM »
Throw whichever one you feel you need to.  I know this sounds simplistic, but it really isn't.

  I had wrist problems a few years back and dropped from 16lb to 14lb with no loss in average whatsoever.

  After a couple of years I went up to 15lb and have noticed no gain over 14lb balls.

  If it is purely a speed thing, it would be easier to throw a lighter ball faster, but remember this. A 14lb ball has the same internal weightblock as a 16lb ball and 2 less pound of resistance to the cores strength.  A couple of my 14's were duplicates of my 16's but seemed to react more and stronger.  When I asked around, I was told the lighter weight balls are influenced more by the core than heavier weight balls, so you might HAVE to throw them harder.
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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 08:16:51 PM »
great post 14 lbers are stronger reacting overall, I have a friend that throws 16,15,14 in the same night some weeks. Game 3 he goes to 14 lbs and wheels the entire lane, game one roll through oil with 16 lb or 15 lber.

Throw whichever one you feel you need to.  I know this sounds simplistic, but it really isn't.

  I had wrist problems a few years back and dropped from 16lb to 14lb with no loss in average whatsoever.

  After a couple of years I went up to 15lb and have noticed no gain over 14lb balls.

  If it is purely a speed thing, it would be easier to throw a lighter ball faster, but remember this. A 14lb ball has the same internal weightblock as a 16lb ball and 2 less pound of resistance to the cores strength.  A couple of my 14's were duplicates of my 16's but seemed to react more and stronger.  When I asked around, I was told the lighter weight balls are influenced more by the core than heavier weight balls, so you might HAVE to throw them harder.
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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 08:22:39 PM »
i just switched myself from 15 to 14, and carry is not a problem.
im an aZZ for not doing it earlier
i guess i was too macho, but the control i gain, plus speed, plus revs more than compensates.

its going to take a while for me to slow back down to normal speed, but this is expected going into it, but its fun as hell now

im up to like 17-18 mph, and around 370-400 revs

pins just flying around, and i don't have elbow pain, which prompted this move in the first place

im a pretty big guy 6'1, 210 and can chuck the heavier stuff, but now that i've done this im really happy

Edited on 2/18/2009 9:28 AM


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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2009, 09:21:03 PM »
I Have to put in my two cents and say i thought about it for a long time  and went 14lb becuse of wrist and shoulder pain..

things i noiced.. i am 6'2" 250 btw

gone from 18 to 20-21 mph

my rev rate could not get much higher.  was at about 475-500 prolly the same or a little higher..

less strain on arm  can throw all day now without getting tired

Much improved pin action...  by driller/coach was concerned about flinging he ball but after the switch he said i am much more under controll now.. was forcing the 15# a little from the bad arm..
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NVD 14lb
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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2009, 09:40:46 PM »
I also made the switch early in the year (although I should say I'm only in my first year bowling).  I have better speed and can bowl 10 games without getting tired.  My carry was no different.
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Re: What weight should I use?....15 or 14
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2009, 08:21:52 AM »
I've gradually went 16 > 15 > 14. I'm very content with 14lb's. Carry hasn't changed at all.
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