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Author Topic: Ball speed  (Read 615 times)


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Ball speed
« on: February 22, 2005, 09:19:42 AM »
I have been struggling lately.  For awhile i didn't know why.  I would feel like i would throw it good and then get a totally off reaction out of nowhere and it got frusterating. It goes a little deeper then that but thats not the point....I have attributed this to inconsistent ball spped which is really wierd for me...Are there ways to to help this or is it just something i am going to have to work through?




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Re: Ball speed
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 05:21:53 PM »
First off, are you sure that it's your ball speed?  Does your house have speed radars in them or are you guessing?

If that's what it is, make sure that you have a free armswing, and make sure you start the ball from the same spot every time.  Starting at your waist and shoulders will have two different amounts of speed, so make sure you're doing that the same.  Also, make sure you aren't forcing it or changing your routine on some shots.
- Andy


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Re: Ball speed
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 05:33:58 PM »
we do not have a MPH gage so i am making an educated guess.  but i do know that my starting point is the same.  Also, i don't know why else i would all the sudden lose my ball reaction.  i would throw a few good shots, and then the next one i would think i threw it well and the ball would jump high or not find the friction it needs.  then when i would make an adjustment based on that last shot i would get something totally different again.  so i am not just losing the shot i had and not adjusting...i make what i thouhgt would be the proper adjustment.  Also i have had the same problems at several houses.  Lastly....i just recently came to the ball speed last night i concentrated on it and finally starting scoring maybe i am starting to come through it....or maybe it was just fluky....i have had such an inconsistent year....i have gone 134- 300- 227 this year...thats just terrible....
