I bowled this summer with my 5 year old daughter in an adult-junior league. We only bowl 2 games/week and it is just for fun and I just wanted to see if I had progressed enough to move into a sanctioned, competitive league. What I am happy about is how my comeback has progressed. You can see in my profile that I took a very long time off from the sport (13 years to be exact) and basically, since January, have had to re-teach myself how to bowl. Before this league, I bowled another adult-junior league with my 7 year old son from January-April and posted around a 180 average. Not great, but, not too bad considering I hadn't picked up a ball since 1995! The last 3 weeks of my current league (remember, it's only 6 games), I have shot a 279-278-235-290-245-276 (in that order). I have averaged a 267 for the last 3 weeks (season average is up to 199) and have shot the 4 highest games of my life! Now, I obviously know that I couldn't keep that up for an entire season; but, it gives me something to look forward to going into fall leagues!