We do a mystery game jackpot. It involves no skill whatsoever, so I usually get about 96% of the league to participate.
It is $1 to get in. I collect until the middle of the second game. I have 2 sets of cards from ace thru ten [1-10]. I then have the hotties at the snack bar select one card from each set of ten. Say, for example, they choose "7" then "2". Those are the mystery numbers. I then go to the PA system and announce the numbers. If any bowlers' scratch score has "72" as the last 2 numbers, then I ask them to bring their score sheets to the desk to verify. Any winners split the pot. If no winners, then there is carryover until the next week.
Of the 64 bowlers in my league, I usually get $59-61 per week. It carried over for 5 weeks and I just paid out $293 dollars this past Thursday.
Again, it's fun and with no skill involved it can include everyone of all skill levels in your leagues.
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM