I was unsure about posting this because of getting people doing run ins saying how the sport has gotten easier. Not to mention given the short time I've been bowling. But just to let you know I also was bowling about 100 games a week in practice for a year.
But I figured what the heck.
First game right out of the box in my Monday night league I shot 300. Last 2 games were 213-212 for 725. I lost my ball reaction halfway through the second game and I couldn't find the reaction I was looking for when I changed balls several times. But honestly, I got the main goal I was looking for and I was more than happy with that.
When I had the front 6, I said to myself, "This is it, I'm going all the way this time." Last Monday I had the front 8 and left a 7 pin. Got the the front 8, and I went down to my friend who runs the snack shop in my center to tell him. He came down to watch. He said he was surprised that I told him because most people don't want to talk about it. Smashed the pocket for 9. Got up there for the almighty 10th frame. Smashed the pocket high flush for 10 and 11. Picked up the ball for 12 and said just get it out a little more right to come in light so you don't leave a 4 pin. Sure enough came in light the way I wanted to for 12.
It was one of the best feelings I ever had shooting that regardless of what the naysayers say. Did it with the Lane #1 Golden Nugget...the NJ guys who have met me will get a kick out of that.
Not to mention the 10th frame was on lane 1 in my house, what are the odds eh?
Every shot was in the pocket, almost left a stone 9 in the 4th frame but had a messenger take it out. Only close call. But it definitely was great to finally get that sanctioned one after shooting 3 in practice plus a 299 in practice.
As you think, so shall you become" -Bruce Lee