Due to a chronic wrist injury I have been forced to drop from 16 to 15 now to 14 lbs. With the heavier balls I had no real problems with carry but now having major probs with 14 lb. Biggest issue is leaving the 5 pin, the 5/7 and the 7 pin.
About me: Stroker, revs around 275/300, speed around 15 mph, release gives me more end over end roll than side rotation. Due to wrist pain am not really able to come up the side of the ball, so Im pretty much stuck with this release. Typical drill for me is pin over ring finger , MB kicked 1-2 inches from thumb.
Was hopefull of some drilling patterns /types of ball I should look at, that may assist me in getting more continuation through the pins and not deflecting away form the 5 pin.