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Author Topic: Should all tournaments be scratch?  (Read 1139 times)


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Should all tournaments be scratch?
« on: October 17, 2008, 11:08:42 AM »
Putting sports league and PBA experience aside(where they must me rerated), should all tournaments be scratch? With all the differences from house and leauge to house and league with lane conditions(from another post), shouldn't tournaments be scratch? I have never thought of league as where to decide who has more skill and who has less skill but always thought that this should be decided at the tournament level. I know some will say that without handicap alot of bowlers will not enter, but is this not the way to decide who are the better bowlers. Lets leave bowling to the leagues and the sport of bowling to tournaments. Will force the sandbaggers to put up or shut up! Just a thought>

P.S. If a 190 average doesn't think they can compete, then they shouldn't compete. Tournaments should be for the best bowling against the best, AND THOSE WANTING TO BOWL AGAINST THE BEST peroid.

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Edited on 10/17/2008 7:16 PM

Edited on 10/17/2008 7:34 PM



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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2008, 11:12:24 PM »
No, not ALL tournaments. They should have handicap tournaments for those who wish to compete that way.

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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2008, 11:20:46 PM »
scratch tournament would be fine for everyone,
you make seperate divisions for 20 pin increments, you would have different prize funds but I think that people would enjoy them more than handicap tournaments where your using 100% of 240
Dale Williams
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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2008, 11:21:44 PM »
I agree that there should be some handicap tournaments, but not NEAR as many as there are now. It's stupid.

At the very least, they could put together a scratch tournament then have multiple divisions for those not wanting to compete against bowlers with higher averages.

It's absolutely ridiculous how hard it is to avoid the sandbaggers and bowl against the true competition.
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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2008, 11:24:42 PM »
scratch tournament would be fine for everyone,
you make seperate divisions for 20 pin increments, you would have different prize funds but I think that people would enjoy them more than handicap tournaments where your using 100% of 240

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I know a better idea when I see one.

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Edited on 10/17/2008 11:24 PM
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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2008, 12:12:57 AM »
It's a free-choice issue, IMO. If people want handicap tournaments, they should be able to have them. It's not our business to limit someone else's right to have a good time.

What I'd like to see in lieu of that is for state tournaments and anything higher to be contested on sport-compliant patterns, but not to adjust the averages/handicaps to compensate. That would keep the baggers somewhat at bay.

I bowled in my state's championship for the first time in five years and was dismayed, not only by the easy THC that was out there, but by the attitude of some of the bowlers. After a first day where I shot +80 to my average even though I was shooting like crap, I mentioned to a few guys how nice it would be if the lanes were more challenging, and they looked at me like I was trying to play a disco record at a country juke joint. But it was the state's championship tournament, after all...



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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 07:50:52 PM »
We are having (and have had) problems getting tournament participation the last few years.  We hold a city Masters scratch and that's dwindled to less then 50 people (nearly 10,000 bowlers in the assoc).  All other city tournaments are handicapped and in divisions and its still tough to get people to bowl tournaments.  Last year our Men's City was cancelled due to lack of interest.  Seems easier to get people to do fund raiser bowling and have them pay the same amount then it is a competative tournament.  We are currently holding our City Seniors tournament which is handicapped and in age divisions.  Though we had a better turn out then last year its still not like it was 10 years ago.  

Making all tournaments scratch will certainly eliminate most tournament play.  Because most people are not confident enough and competative enough to bowl in that format.  



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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2008, 12:36:13 AM »
I agree with scratch tournaments broken into divisions.  This allows the lower average bowler who does not feel they are good enough to bowl scratch, but wants the tournament experience to have a place.  It allows for greater participation.  Our city tournament has gone to that format.
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David Lee Yskes

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Re: Should all tournaments be scratch?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2008, 04:00:23 PM »
Yes all tournaments should be Scratch!!!   With a tougher shot.  

I say this cuz, I usta bowl with a major sandbagger( who happend to be a lefty too)  and he'd average 190 with a plastic ball, yet goto all these handicap tournaments and no joke shoot 750 with his normal bowling equipment.  Even seen him go 279-290-300 while  getting handicap.
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