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Author Topic: Should bowling centers be included?  (Read 5684 times)


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Should bowling centers be included?
« on: June 22, 2004, 05:38:21 PM »
I live and bowl in Columbus, Ohio.  Our city council is going to vote Monday on a complete city wide smoking ban that will include all public buildings,plus all bars and bowling alleys.  As you can imagine, it is a hot debate.  The center I bowl at for my summer sport condition league on Thursday nights, left  nasty mean spirited letters on all the tables in favor of smokers rights.  Basicaly saying that if you can't stand second hand smoke, you should find another activity.  It also stated that a traditional three hour league was to long for partons to go without a smoke.  I personally don't smoke, but I wouldn't let that stop me from bowling.  To all you smokers out there, I am curious.  Will a smoking ban in bowling centers also kill your desire to bowl?  Seems like the centers are really worried about their bottom line, over and above the health risk of second hand smoke does present.



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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2004, 10:43:28 AM »
If smokers can endure a 4 hr flight, surely they can endure a 3 hr league.

Yeah, but they can't exactly step out to suck a butt real quick on an airplane, can they?

I propose we figure out ways to make that possible...might help hasten the reduction in the number of inconsiderate people in the US.


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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2004, 10:43:39 AM »

I see your point, but most of the time these diseases go right back to smoking..

I know not all the time, but most of the time that is the case..

If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..

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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2004, 11:05:23 AM »
Good idea with the fan I'll try that. If you raised the cost of a pack of cigarrets to $1,000,000,000 the smokers would kill and steal for them those people are crazy! My mom smokes and won't listen to me about quiting she can't go for more then an hour or so she gets all wierd and goes crazy it sucks. A few times the smoke was so bad I had to move 5 lanes down just to get out of all that smoke. Smoking is really gross and I'm convinced these days if you start smoking you are really really stupid we know what smoking does to you these days you have no excuse you haveto be retarded to smoke.


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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2004, 11:36:34 AM »
Will they be required to only smoke in their vehicle or home.

Card79,  There was talk here a few months ago about a new ordinance that went into effect.  If you smoke in your vehicles, you had to have the windows rolled up.  Otherwise it would be a ticket.  Reasoning was because of all the fires being started by cigarettes tossed out of vehicle windows.  You can drive up and down the roads and highways and see burnt areas anywhere from a couple of feet to hundreds of feet on the sides of the roads/highways.

I just want 2C was'zzub.

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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2004, 11:40:19 AM »
Cheech and Chong Style man.  Still Smokin.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.


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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2004, 12:01:21 PM »

I wish they would ban smoking.  True, its America and everyone has rights...but it is not right that your "space" or "air" can be invaded/impacted by someone else.  Would I have a right to take a boom box to bowling and crank out 100 watts of Aerosmith or something full blast.  What would be the difference?  Air pollution vs. noise physical contact, both legal.  I am sure it would tick off 50% of the bowlers too.

Remember the ABC tournament is non-smoking...guys go 3-6 hours without ciggys there and survive (I went with a few).  How about a baseball game?  Usually non-smoking these days so you don't offend people close to you and its even outdoors.

Hey, it's not my fault I'm a lefty, I was born this way!

I think that the difference between your examples and what is being talked about here, is that ABC chose to go non smoking, and the same with baseball games.  I don't see how the government should be allowed to come in to my business and tell my patrons what they can and can not do.  

As long as smoking is legal, and i think it always will be based on the amount of tax dollars generated from tobacco every year, it should be up to the business owner if they want to allow smoking.  

I'm a non smoker, and I choose to go to these places where smoking is allowed.  Just like you can choose to go or not go.  


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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2004, 12:21:14 PM »
I live in California and it is probably going to be illegal to smoke outside at all pretty soon. The only place to smoke will be inside your home with sealed windows and doors.


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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2004, 12:41:12 PM »
(been aching to say this)

Do you smoke? Or, are you just the sucker on the end?
"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,"
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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2004, 12:57:04 PM »
I don't see how the government should be allowed to come in to my business and tell my patrons what they can and can not do.

So, you'd be OK if your customers came in with a boom box and started blaring offensive music?   Or took their clothes off? OR started shooting heroin and sniffin cocaine?

Personally, I liked the comparison of noise pollution vs air pollution.

One Sick Puppy!
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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2004, 01:01:42 PM »
I posted this article because my theory is:  Can banning cigarettes from all buildings be far behind?

Senate boosts cigarette tax

Reversal includes compromises; House vote is next
June 23, 2004


LANSING -- The state Senate approved a 75-cent-per-pack tax increase on cigarettes Tuesday, breaking a budget stalemate between Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Republican lawmakers.

After the vote, Senate Majority Leader Ken Sikkema, R-Wyoming, said the Senate should reconsider a higher tax on Detroit's casinos, which it rejected last week.

He also said a tax increase on liquor is still possible.

The 20-15 Senate vote Tuesday reversed its rejection last week of a higher tobacco tax. The new tax would generate $313 million next fiscal year, according to Granholm's budget office.

And because the tax goes up July 1, it would pump $97 million into this year's budget to alleviate a shortfall in Medicaid funds.

The tax measure goes back to the House to concur in changes by the Senate or to send the bill to a conference committee.

All of the higher tax's revenues would go to state Medicaid programs, as Granholm had proposed. In 2006, one-quarter of the additional money would go to the state general fund, under the Senate-approved bill.

Taxes would also rise on other tobacco items, such as cigars and chewing tobacco.

Sikkema called the tax bill a reasonable compromise because in fiscal year 2005-06 it would dedicate 25 percent of its revenue to programs other than Medicaid.

Last week, Sikkema criticized Granholm for insisting all the increase pay for Medicaid.

"There was a sense on the Senate floor that we had to find a compromise," Sikkema said. "I hope it reflects that I'm willing to compromise."

Granholm called the Senate vote "a first step in a journey of a thousand miles" to complete work on the state budget. She said the Legislature needs to approve other proposals for additional revenue or trim spending to close a potential $1.3-billion deficit.

Last week, the Senate rejected Granholm's proposals to raise the liquor tax and reinstate a tax on estates worth more than $1 million. Sikkema said although the door is still open on liquor, the estate tax proposal is dead.

The cigarette tax would rise to $2 per pack, second highest among states after New Jersey. I'm glad I never started smoking!

Retailers complained that the increase would cost them significantly, particularly in stores near Ohio and Indiana, where cigarette taxes are considerably lower.

It's estimated the tax increase would reduce cigarette sales in Michigan by 15 percent. Granholm has said cutting smoking is one of her goals with a higher tax.

Sikkema said a higher Detroit casino tax should be part of next year's budget, thougha smaller increase than rejected last week. That proposal would have doubled the tax, from 18 percent of proceeds to 36 percent -- an increase casino owners said would result in layoffs and no expansion.

Sikkema also said he was more confident that Granholm would consider a package of Senate Republican bills that aim to improve the state's business climate by cutting business taxes.

Unlike the original Housetobacco tax bill, the Senate version would not give cigarette wholesalers and retailers a two-week grace periodto sell their remaining inventory under the higher tax beginning July 1, but pay the state the old, lower tax and keep the difference.

White Dot
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Edited on 6/23/2004 12:58 PM


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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2004, 01:20:04 PM »
I don't see how the government should be allowed to come in to my business and tell my patrons what they can and can not do.

So, you'd be OK if your customers came in with a boom box and started blaring offensive music?   Or took their clothes off? OR started shooting heroin and sniffin cocaine?

Personally, I liked the comparison of noise pollution vs air pollution.

One Sick Puppy!

Heroin and Cocaine are illegal, so yes I would have a problem since I, as the owner, could also get in trouble for having it on my premisis.  Tobacco is not illegal by any Federal or State law.  Smoking in some places, but not possession.  Mere possession of herion/coke is a felony.

Again, nudity can fall under lewdness/obscene behavior is also illegal in most areas and I would potentially be liable.  But let's say I own a bar, and choose to hold a wet t shirt/hot body contest.  That should be my right to do so on my property.  If other patrons are aware of this coming in, it's not my fault if they are offended, they chose to enter.

The boom box issue - Chances are I wouldn't like it.  However, I might.  It should be my choice as to whether to allow it or not.  Maybe I want to hold a weekly "Boom Box Showdown" where patrons (well, if I really have to explain this concept I'm worried) Why shouldn't I be allowed?  My other patrons know what to expect and if they don't like noise, well they don't have to give me their business.  

Why don't some of these people that are so violently offended by cigarette smoke open a bar/restaurant/bowling center that is smoke free?  They would then differentiate themselves from the competition and have a competitive advantage.  Instead they go to the Gov and say since we don't like it, no one should be allowed to do it.  



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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2004, 01:29:31 PM »
I can see both sides point of view. For one it is a persons right to choose to smoke. However the smokers are also killing people around them. My area is talking about it, but that is the problem a few towns. The few towns are fairly spread out and the bowlers who are pissed or just wnat to be able to smoke can easily drive 2 more min. and go some were they can smoke. Some of the managers are getting a little afraid. I just hope the whole state does it.

Allergies suck but when you add people smoking it is a killer.

Luckily my friends that smoke do it back behind the tables out of respect for me and the other bowlers that can not take the smoke.
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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2004, 01:38:23 PM »
Why don't some of these people that are so violently offended by cigarette smoke open a bar/restaurant/bowling center that is smoke free? They would then differentiate themselves from the competition and have a competitive advantage. Instead they go to the Gov and say since we don't like it, no one should be allowed to do it.

The problem lies in the fact that 95% of smokers are inconsiderate and rude with their habit.  And lets face it, the non-smoking secitons in restaurants are a joke at best.  Smokers have a choice in limiting their exposure to the smoke - they can smoke or not smoke.  Non-smokers have no choice when they leave their home and can go nowhere without smelling it.  And the reason there isn't a non-smoking restaurant/bar/bowling alley for every one that allows smoking is because odds are you'd just split the clientelle and neither business would be profitable enough to stay open.

One Sick Puppy!
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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2004, 01:47:19 PM »
Back to the original thread...
When I moved back to the Portland metro area, bowling alleys were not non-smoking. One house put in smoking rooms, the other local house banned it except in the bar. The houses in Portland proper were non smoking, but others could choose. I left the smoking house, and went to the non-smoking house, partly for other reasons, but partly due to the smoke.
I was invited to join some folks at another center for monte carlo one saturday. I never gave a thought to whether the house was smoking or not. Well, it was a smoking house. By the time 3 games were done, it was so smoky the pins were blurry (and it wasn't cosmic, either). When I got home, I pulled my clothes off in the entry way of our house.

Now the whole metro area has gone non-smoking except in bars, and it makes me quite happy. Over the river in Washington, smoking is still allowed. Although the biggest money league in the area is there, I won't bowl because of smoke.

In my tournament group, there are quite a few ladies that won't bowl the Washington events due to the smoking houses.

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Re: Should bowling centers be included?
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2004, 01:53:28 PM »
When I got home, I pulled my clothes off in the entry way of our house.

While this will help keep your house from smelling up as badly, unfortunately the stench is still left in your car.


One Sick Puppy!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)