Back to the original thread...
When I moved back to the Portland metro area, bowling alleys were not non-smoking. One house put in smoking rooms, the other local house banned it except in the bar. The houses in Portland proper were non smoking, but others could choose. I left the smoking house, and went to the non-smoking house, partly for other reasons, but partly due to the smoke.
I was invited to join some folks at another center for monte carlo one saturday. I never gave a thought to whether the house was smoking or not. Well, it was a smoking house. By the time 3 games were done, it was so smoky the pins were blurry (and it wasn't cosmic, either). When I got home, I pulled my clothes off in the entry way of our house.
Now the whole metro area has gone non-smoking except in bars, and it makes me quite happy. Over the river in Washington, smoking is still allowed. Although the biggest money league in the area is there, I won't bowl because of smoke.
In my tournament group, there are quite a few ladies that won't bowl the Washington events due to the smoking houses.
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz