This is a great question!
It is one that I have been fiddling with all season. I have had success with both. It seems to be more about:
1. Carry percentage.
2. Efficient use of the track area
3. Bowler's skill in recognizing where to play vs. where to stay away from
I have bowled oustanding games with a sanded Apex Agression, drilled very weak.
But the secret was playing just inside of the main track area and keeping up my speed. I have also had outstanding games with a Shock & Awe drilled very weak as well. With the S&A I played in the track area.
On the other hand, I've put up some real nice numbers with my Hornet drilled 4x4, as long as I stayed IN the track area.
Just from a confidence and "feel" standpoint, I think I would go with the strong cover, weak drilling, since that seems to make me less prone to over/under when I hit those spotty conditions.
But I guess it's a trial and error thing, where you do it, and stay with what is most comfortable to you, personally.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.
Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.