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Author Topic: If you were in charge of the USBC!  (Read 1565 times)


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If you were in charge of the USBC!
« on: August 01, 2009, 11:02:27 AM »
What are you going to do to help reverse the fall off in members and,what rules are you going to see changed.Also what are you going to do to change the USBC  national tournaments?



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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2009, 07:18:37 PM »
1. Greater emphasis on face-to-face recruiting. It is the one and only way to regrow the membership numbers. If there's anyone still left on local-level payroll (i.e., regional reps), part of their job requirements would be to do five days of door-to-door, face-to-face contacts, minimum 25 per day (one contact means getting one phone number, address and name -- if they won't give it up, it doesn't count as a contact ... typically takes 8 hours a day of hard work per day to get this) for a week in every association they represent. Too many of these guys are/were promoted into these positions because of a good-ol'-boy network and I doubt some of them could walk from the snack bar to the pit without passing out. Give them the authority to draft help from the local association if necessary, but let's get serious about association building since it's technically part of their jobs.

2. Require as part of house certification that each house buy a tape-reading setup. That way no one can make the excuse that you can't run a PBAX league in a given house if the interest is there. Houses like to put that off on the association because readers aren't cheap. Make it a cost of doing business for the house, and IMO it's their responsibility to monitor their own shot anyway.

3. Eliminate the static weight rules completely, or at least make it something like 6-8 oz before the ball is out of spec. Biggest complaint I hear as a hobby ball driller are guys who get their stuff weighed at tournaments and the balls pop back illegal -- and most of these guys get their stuff drilled at professional shops. Not enough people know how to use a dodo scale properly in the first place and the rules are archaic.

4. At Nationals -- eliminate the prohibition on the use of approved ball cleaners during competition. This doesn't affect me since I never use them during play, but I just find it stupid to have the rule on the books and then completely reverse course at the tournament. The only reason it's there is the USBC is too lazy to train people to enforce the statute at the tournament site.

5. At Nationals -- Create a third division for anyone who holds or who has held, within the last 20 years, a PBA card. I would prefer the USBC try to push those guys to the U.S. Open the same way the USGA pushes PGA members to the U.S. Open and away from the U.S. Amateur, but I'd settle for getting the guys who truly make a living at the sport away from the very good amateurs who happen to have other careers, just like golf does it.



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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2009, 07:26:17 PM »
First of all,the present type of government of the USBC is not working just like the simuliar type govt doesn't work for the USA. The idea of having Reps from your area going to convention to vote your wishes is a "croc"They go and vote what they would like to see not what the people they represent want to see inactedas rules. When there are major decisions to be made it should be done at and majority rule. This is the day and time that computers should be used for the vote.

As far as the National Tournament,it should be either changes to handicap or broken into more than 2 divisions. The way it is right now there are lots of people that go and bowl on conditions that they have never bowled on and have to compete heads up with all of the pros and semi-pros. The people in that category are there simply to donate their money to the other bowlers (pros) and the like. It turns a lot of people off. I have only been to one Nationals tourney where the bowlers were treated with any respect and that was in Salt Lake City many years ago. I went this yr and had to bowl on a squad where the lanes had not been oiled in the 2 squads previous. Then my scores have to be compared to someone who gets to bowl on a fresh pattern. NOT EXACTLY FAIR.


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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2009, 07:37:32 PM »
Actually with the amount of people they have at Nationals, bowling on all fresh is near impossible. And besides, the higher scores came from the broken down shots, so your score should have been higher.

I will agree with being treated well.  This year the lady running the squad room for our singles and doubles talked to us like we were 5, then again, there were a few people on the squad acting like they were 5.

Handicaping just invites more bagging.  I do agree with having past and present PBA members having their own division.

Just about anyone can bowl o nthe condition if they choose to, most just don't.  I am betting most of the folks that go to nationals can find a center within an hour drive of them that lay the USBC shot out when it is available, and if not, they certainly have access to the PBA experience shots which will definitely help.
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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2009, 08:04:59 PM »
1. Greater emphasis on face-to-face recruiting. It is the one and only way to regrow the membership numbers. If there's anyone still left on local-level payroll (i.e., regional reps), part of their job requirements would be to do five days of door-to-door, face-to-face contacts, minimum 25 per day (one contact means getting one phone number, address and name -- if they won't give it up, it doesn't count as a contact ... typically takes 8 hours a day of hard work per day to get this) for a week in every association they represent. Too many of these guys are/were promoted into these positions because of a good-ol'-boy network and I doubt some of them could walk from the snack bar to the pit without passing out. Give them the authority to draft help from the local association if necessary, but let's get serious about association building since it's technically part of their jobs.


I like this.  You are correct face to face glad handing/recruiting new members is the only way I see this turning around.  Has to be a whole new policy/procedure put in place.  The old days of opening the doors and they will come has been gone for 20 years.




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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2009, 09:07:40 PM »
I agree with the one on one recruiting but the recruiter will just go thru the names and numbers of current or past bowlers and that will be it. How would they know who else to talk to about it,unless they approached open bowlers?

As far as just another division for past or present Pros is not enough. For the bowlers with avgs from 187 to 210 are the ones least likely to have a chance to score well enough to win a little money much less compete for any of the top prizes.They are there to mostly contribute!!`

Now as far as having a chance to bowl on a demanding shot,here in Arkansas they put out essentially one type of shot. A shot set up for the old time down and in shooters. If you want to shoot any other way you are going to have to work twice as hard to score the same. Thats all these people have ever seen. Put out a tough shot and the next wk no one will show up except the ones that bowl SASBA,PBA regionals,or High Rollers and they have already seen the tough conditions.

As far as the bad treatment,why is it so wrong to drink a coke or coffee during play instead of their old water? Don't look at most of the scorers cross-eyed or they will find something to complain about you doing. In Reno several yrs ago I had a ball that I drilled and had weighed several times and placed a side hole to bring it legal and then had a friend check it on his scales before we left for Reno. When we check in equipment the 1st day it passes,no problem. The second day I was told it did not pass and that they were going to drill the hole bigger or deeper. I said NO WAY. This jerk even came out to the lanes where I was bowling to make sure I was not using that ball!! What a CROC !!!

I can understand not oiling after every squad but there should not be a 3rd squad without oiling. It is not fair!!! They pay their money the same as every one else and expect decent conditions.

Edited on 8/1/2009 9:09 PM


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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2009, 12:34:46 AM »
I agree with the one on one recruiting but the recruiter will just go thru the names and numbers of current or past bowlers and that will be it. How would they know who else to talk to about it,unless they approached open bowlers?

I'm talking about going door-to-door in neighborhoods. General rule of thumb is you have to knock on about 80-100 doors to find 25 people who'll give you enough personal information to classify as a "contact."

If you want to sit at a table and approach open bowlers, or go down to the local factory (if you have one left) and try to hit up guys on their work breaks, that's extra credit. Doesn't count as one of your 25 contacts.

I've often said the way you get bowlers to join is like getting people to come to church -- you have to go to them, talk to them face-to-face. Otherwise it's no good. People are more likely to be receptive to what you have to say if you're going to take the time to come see them.

Is it easy work? Not at all. If you knock on 100 doors and 25 people say even so much as "yes, you can call me again," that means 75 people told you to get steppin'. It's not easy to deal with that kind of in-your-face rejection 75 percent of the time.

Notice I'm talking about making league bowlers out of total newbies. You target a neighborhood, hit 100 homes and part of your sales pitch is that you hope this is going to be a neighborhood thing.

I don't care if the league bowlers we get average 200, 100 or 27. I'm looking for numbers.

The last time I dealt with a region rep (this was back in the ABC days), he came to -- or more appropriately, waddled into -- our center, asked to see our lane inspection records and the financials, smoked the stinkiest cigar I've ever smelled, ate food from the snack bar and drank beer for which he did not pay, then told the ones of us that cared enough to come down there that we needed to do a better job of just about everything he could think of. He had no ideas, no wisdom from the ABC. In fact, most of the comments he did make about the ABC were complaints. When it came time to take questions, one of the women wanted to ask a youth-related question and he just waved his hand at her and blew it off. He didn't want to talk about the youth programs because that was a YABA-related question and he was "an ABC guy." Oh, and then one of our guys had to buy his dinner.

For this, he was being paid about $36K a year. I was making $28K working 70 hours a week at the time. That's the enduring image in my head of the leadership of this organization, a guy who had been in his position for 30 years who wanted to eat free food and drink free drink and not offer any real solutions or help. Oh, and did I mention I called the guy three or four times with a question that year relating to lane inspections and he never called me back?

I think the region rep is pretty critical to USBC success, but you need to hire a fleet of either fresh-out-of-college 25-year-olds who'll hoof it around town, and/or get the really passionate 50-somethings in your association who are fortunate enough to be semi-retired. Form little neighborhood canvas groups and go at it. *DON'T* hire Joe Bob just because he's retired, needs a little extra income and was a good bowler at one time.



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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2009, 10:07:18 AM »
Yes I agree about the tournaments should oil before EVERY squad, otherwise how is this fair to everyone that bowls. Also why do we need two different tournaments for men and woman. Couldn't money be saved by having more divisions bowl at the same place? Junior Gold dragged out for a week then Youth nationals? Let's pick a place WITH lanes and have all divisions and ages bowl there. Save some money this way, give back the awards, stop the runaway spending on the "campus" in Arlington. Oh yeah put the maximum youth age back to 21.
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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2009, 10:40:42 AM »
Get people in there that are willing to work on things that will rejuvenate the game. $50M necessary working budget for what?
Too many in there with their own personal agendas...
Formerly BrunsRico

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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2009, 12:08:08 PM »
I would raise USBC dues $20 a year. You could pay dues twice a year or or all at one time if you could afford it. That would raise $60 million dollars.  I would buy (if they would sell) the PBA. If they would not sell then I would do this anyway and just let them share in the profit.
I would put 40 million of that money into the PBA prize fund.
Out of that added prize fund money I would want at least 5 million of it to be paid out for points at the end of the year, with the POY getting a check for 1 million.
I would spend 10 million promoting the PBA
The other 10 million would go toward the added administrative cost.

I know a lot of people would say..."you are crazy, I don't want to give my hard earned money to the PBA". I only wish more of you felt the same way about the government.

If our goal is to grow the SPORT of bowling then nothing else will do it as well or as fast. I pro bowlers made millions of dollars a year instead of a few thousand you would not be able to get a lane in any bowling center in the country.

Treat Pro bowlers just like golfers, pick them up in lemos, have giant search lights going at each tournament. If they make the money of kings and you treat them like kings then the media and sponsors will treat them like kings.

When pros make millions a year you will see the college bowling programs grow big time.

The USBC membership would double in 5 years.
Bowl great!
Ron Clifton


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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2009, 12:35:04 PM »

 Thanks for chiming in Ron.That is one of  the reasons I posted this topic.I was at the Buick Open
this week watching how the golfers were treated.They  were revered.The respect that the golfers got,
and the crowds that was around Tiger Woods at every hole.Heck Chad Chambell bounced one off
my knee on the 16th hole,said thanks for saving him from having his ball go into the trees,finishes
the hole and comes back and gives me a signed golf ball.Great interaction with the crowds from the
golfers.It made me think of the time when bowlers made as much as golfers at one time and,were
held in high esteem.I just wanted to see what most think about how to change this.


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Re: If you were in charge of the USBC!
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2009, 12:57:34 PM »
Until bowling has a Tiger, which will NEVER happen BTW and corporations behind them, bowling will NEVER be golf.
You cannot get the gate that golf gets as well-40K compared to maybe a few thousand, which generates a lot of monies. And golf has INTEGRITY, which most of the time bowling does not have.

And as long as you have those running the show, the membership money will go no where but the bank or in their pockets.
Formerly BrunsRico

As posted by Steven..."None other than our esteemed JustRico!!"

Edited on 8/2/2009 12:59 PM
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
...where knowledge creates striking results...
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