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Author Topic: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?  (Read 1333 times)


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Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« on: February 04, 2004, 10:08:21 PM »
I currently have all Visionary equipment.  I just got the 2 newest Gryphons, the G-3 and the Burgundy.  I drilled the G-3, which is a pearl resin, the same way I have my Blue Sparkle, which is a solid reactive, drilled.  Because they are drilled the same and have similar cores, they react very similar but the G-3 has a much stonger backend reaction.  Which is what I was looking for.  Now I need to drill the Burgundy, which is a high load particle.  I will be using this ball on heavily oiled lanes.  One of the guys I bowl with owns a pro-shop.  He has drilled all of my equipment.  He said I should drill the particle ball differently than the other two.  He said particle balls are designed for mid-lane.  So I should drill the ball for a mid-lane reaction, which would put the pin below and kicked out to the right of the fingers.  The other two are drilled with the pin above and in between the fingers, which gives them length and a strong backend reaction.  

So, should a particle with the same core as a resin be drilled differently?  

Keep in mind, I want these balls to compliment each other.  I would like to use the Burgundy for heavy oil, G-3 for medium/heavy oil, and the Blue Sparkle for light/medium oil.  I am trying to use only these three balls, plus a plastic for ten pin, for 90% of the conditions I may encounter.  I would like to keep the rest of my equipment in the trunk of my car, just in case I need something different.



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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 01:27:49 PM »
Seeing as they have the same core, I myself would drill them the same,
and let the coverstock do the work.

I bowl by feel (how the ball feels comming off of my hand)
I have a DC Tour, and a DC warlock.  They both have the same
core, but are drilled different.  They both feel totally different
comming off of my hand, wich sometimes gets me into trouble.

In Mario's secrets he says to pick you favorite pin to PAP distance,
build your arsenal from that.  I would say that he is correct because
balls that I have drilled leverage or 4" tend to feel the same comming
off of my hand.

That is why you might see a bowler with two balls drilled the same
except on is dull, and one is pollished.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2004, 02:20:36 PM »
Particle balls are made to hook earlier than resin balls,..I like your pro shop guys suggestion...drill'em for what that were meant to do..


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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2004, 02:58:25 PM »
My point exactly Jim.
IF the two balls are identical except
for the coverstock, then why drill them
different if the drilling is what you want.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 03:02:37 PM »
Yes.....drill them the same.  Usually, if you put a weaker drilling in a particle ball, you will benefit from that because they are designed to roll so early, that you if drilled too aggressive, it may burn up too fast and roll out, which in turn means weak hitting at the pins.  Do a 4 x 4 type drilling in particle balls.  If it were me, I would put the pin above the ring finger or or above and slightly right of the ring finger, assuming you are right handed.  have the cg and mass bias stacked underneath.  You will automatically get midlane roll from that ball even if the pin is above the fingers just because of the coverstock.  I have thrown a burgandy.  If you have a weaker release, can I see putting the pin somewhere below the fingers.
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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2004, 03:19:25 PM »
Because particle balls do not by nature flip as much I tend to drill then closer to stacked, versus resins particularly pearls I tend to drill them more to smooth out the reaction a touch. Maybe more kick outs of cg etc.

Also because particles often burn energy early more often(solid particles I mostly think of) I tend to buy higher topweights.

Also like stated above for strong particles I often use a little longer pin to pap to cover the same boards.  The stronger cover will often do the work for me.

Everything slightly different to create what I want!


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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2004, 03:53:05 PM »
In drilling I try to drill a ball to get the most out of what it was built for. In a particle ball I want it to read the lane in a smooth arcing roll, not try and go 50' and flip off the lane. Too many times I see people buy big hooking balls only to drill them to go long, and then polish them like a mirror...?? Those are the one that write the reviews that say "I bought this ball to hook, and it hits like a pancake.." Variations in drillings are fine, but my philosophy is stay with what the ball is designed to do. There's no magic drilling,..only magic beans.



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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2004, 04:07:19 PM »
The Blue Sparkle has a slightly different core but is very similar to the Burgundy and the G-3.  I do not have a weak release.  I would say I get more than average revs and slightly higher than average speed.  I actually have been having problems keeping the Blue Sparkle from over reacting when the lanes start to dry out.  

"Usually, if you put a weaker drilling in a particle ball, you will benefit from that because they are designed to roll so early, that you if drilled too aggressive, it may burn up too fast and roll out, which in turn means weak hitting at the pins"  TWOHAND834, that is exactly what my friend said.  

The Blue Sparkle has been my favorite ball because of the way it seems to roll off my hand.  I have a Granite Gargoyle that is drilled almost leverage and I hate the way the ball rolls.  My friend who now drills my equipment didn't drill the Granite Gargoyle.  Some other idiot did!  That is why its drilled so different from my other equipment.  I also have a Green and Slate Blue Gargoyle drilled the same as the Blue Sparkle.  Even knowing the cores and covers are different I still like the way they roll with that drilling.  The last ball I have is a Purple Ice which is drilled with the pin below and to the right of the fingers.  That ball has a good mid-lane look and hits very hard.  In fact, I believe it is my hardest hitting ball.  Of course the core and cover are very different from the Gargoyles or the Gryphons and that could be the reason that it reacts that way.  I use the Purple Ice on a very tough shot in a synthetic house and it works great there.  The Purple Ice is the only ball that has worked for me in that house.  I am hoping to use the Burgundy Gryphon in that same house.  I would like to get a little more backend out of the Burgundy than the Purple Ice provides.  The Purple Ice is more of an arcing ball.  I want the Burgundy to react on the soaked synthetics the way the G-3 and Blue Sparkle react on light to heavily oiled wood lanes.  Is that possible with a particle ball?  If your still reading this, I appreciate it.  After reading all of this, how should I drill it?


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Re: Should particle balls be drilled differently than resin?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2004, 07:30:57 AM »
Yes I am still reading this

To me it sounds like you are much like myself.
You like the way the ball rolls off your hand.
You have a Gryphon, and two Gargoyle drilled
the same.  To me it looks like you have found your
favorite pin to PAP distance.  I would say drill the
burgandy the same as the sparkle.

There is a bigger flip block in the burgandy vs the purple,
so you should get a little more move on the back end.  Also the RG
on the purple is lower, so by design it was made to move sooner.

I would say drill all of the Gryphons the same, and if the blue
moves to much for what you want to use it for, just hit it with
a little polish.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member