Those that roll over their thumb holes or have a tendancy to crack the area around the thumb slug, should they avoid using IT?
I tend to crack/damage thumb holes on spare balls throwing end over end. And at least one strike ball in the past. Likewise, I've also tried without a slug but my thumb gets really tacky really fast - even though i have semi to very dry hands.
I like working out my thumb holes to shape/fit with urethanes slugs. but with the IT systems and alike systems being around for a while now, I'm pretty sure they have imporved on these systems.
I remember guys with broken slug IT that came off during league, or cracked "molly"?? or ball it. Or the IT thumb just comes off the ball..... And there are those with different colored, sized, or angled IT thumbs which I think can get confusing. Or just adds more weight and space to the already heavy packed bag.
Should I go for it? and use a slug for a the poly ball only?