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Author Topic: should these types avoid IT system?  (Read 7334 times)


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should these types avoid IT system?
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:46:07 PM »
Those that roll over their thumb holes or have a tendancy to crack the area around the thumb slug, should they avoid using IT?

I tend to crack/damage thumb holes on spare balls throwing end over end. And at least one strike ball in the past. Likewise, I've also tried without a slug but my thumb gets really tacky really fast - even though i have semi to very dry hands.

I like working out my thumb holes to shape/fit with urethanes slugs. but with the IT systems and alike systems being around for a while now, I'm pretty sure they have imporved on these systems.

I remember guys with broken slug IT that came off during league, or cracked "molly"?? or ball it. Or the IT thumb just comes off the ball..... And there are those with different colored, sized, or angled IT thumbs which I think can get confusing. Or just adds more weight and space to the already heavy packed bag.

Should I go for it? and use a slug for a the poly ball only?

Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003



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Re: should these types avoid IT system?
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2014, 02:53:18 PM »
Ok.  I've never had any issues with my personal ones, but I know that at first several people had the slug-it come unglued from the slug and just spin.  The molly kept it from coming off completely, but we had to reglue several.  I've got a buddy that I had switch over to the system, and he shattered every single one of his in just a couple months.  Never seen that happen with anybody else, but he really rips on the ball.  Since we started sanding or roughing up every surface or piece getting glued, we haven't had any problems, but that wouldn't account for pieces breaking . .

I've seen a little of everything.  Most of the time it's the Ball-IT and Slug IT plastic that breaks.  Once in a while I get the Slug-IT jumping over the stopper which makes it just keep spinning.  I'm not entirely sure it's not the bowlers somehow making these things happen, because I've only personally had 2 slug it's or ball it's break on me in the 4-6 years i've used the system.  But i've recently personally stopped using them anyway and went back to regular slugs. 

Has the plastic been fracturing or breaking, or just a lot of stuff coming unglued? 

You can't fit that much pitch in a thumb slug if you don't drill the pitch into the ball.  The average adult male's thumb size is probably somewhere between 29/32 and 1" (and most likely some oval angles).  So the most you'll fit is maybe 1/4 (if that) either way even using a 1 3/8 size IT.  And let's say you drill one ball with the pitch into the ball and the next ball with the pitch into the thumb, that slug won't be flush in both balls.

But anyhow, I've started to go away with the IT system, as i've seen hoards of them breaking lately.  Seems to me that the quality has gone down as my first IT slug I drilled for myself (5 years ago roughly) lasted forever, and now they seem to be breaking all over the place (in different parts of the system) for my customers.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?