Who was that in response to . . ? A few pieces of tape isn't a bandaid, agree with that.
I live in Kansas, where it was 35 degrees this morning and will be 75 today, gets to over 100 in the summer and below 10 in the winter, I eat just about anything I can get my hands on, usually have a couple drinks while I bowl, and just traveled to Springfield over the weekend to bowl. League last Tues and Thurs, drove to Springfield Fri, bowled 6 games Sat, 3 games Sun all while completely gorging myself whenever we ate, then league again last night. No tape went in, no tape came out, same slug.
Like I said, before I changed my fit and stopped gripping, I went through 500 pieces a year. The smallest thing in the world would make my thumb go nuts, but when your thumb is artificially enlarged due to bad fit, gripping, clutching, excess friction on release, etc., it's going to enhance or increase the influence of any outside cause for swelling or shrinking. When I went to Albuquerque in 08, I just used slugs back then, when we got there to bowl, I had to have everything actually put on the press and drilled out because my thumb was so huge. Hour later I couldn't hang onto anything and had to reslug everything when I got back home.
Now I have one slug that I've used for several years, went to Reno and back no problems, Baton Rouge, Springfield a couple times, 2 pieces of tape always stay in the hole, just need replacing every couple months.
I'm not saying no one should ever swell or shrink, I'm not saying everyone has a bad fit, I'm not saying everyone grips . . but if you actually have a need or use for 4 or 5 different slugs, you're doing something wrong and it would be in your best interest to check into it. Coming from somebody who used to go through 500 pieces a year, and now only goes through maybe 20, and that's just to replace old worn out tape, it's not like I don't at least understand the problem or issue or haven't been there. If you want to drill 4 or 5 slugs, that's up to you, but I wouldn't recommend it to people like it's the norm, because in every case where I've had requests from people to drill several different sized slugs, it's always because they have fit or gripping issues. Not trying to be a dick or look down on people from my perch, I just feel very strongly that there's a better way, and seeing as how I used to be there several years ago, I'm very familiar with the situation.
So tape is a bandaid if you have to add or remove a piece or two?
You must live in a climate controlled environment, eat the same thing every day and don't travel much and bowl in different climates.