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Author Topic: Should you be able to switch back & forth from bowling one handed to two handed?  (Read 29418 times)


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Recent topic was being discussed in my league.  If you start the night (or season) throwing the ball with one (or two hands).  Should you be able to switch mid game?  Should you have a different average both the dumb two handed gimmick, and the normal one hand?


This was brought up when a kid was throwing one handed all night, started shooting his cross lane spares with two hands.

Those who can't bowl, bowl with two hands.



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Here is a video I posted not too long ago.  My left hand doesnt physically do anything to the ball since it comes off before release and as you can see; my left arm/hand end up on the correct side of the body.  My left hand is underneath the ball throughout my entire approach but in no way adds revs to the ball.  I have no hops or skips in my approach either.  My finish is that of a one hander as well.  In the first frame, I even shoot my 10 pin one handed and you will see my footwork pretty much remains the same both one handed and two handed.


Peace doesnt always have to be silent.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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There is nothing wrong with questioning a rule that USBC has in place.  Remember they allowed prebowled 900s before they realized it was a bad rule.  It's hard to understand how they can refer to the style as 2 handed, but then allow them to use 1 hand on spares.  If you get technical, of course 1 hand will come off the ball a split second before the other hand.  I don't care how you choose to knock down pins, 2 hands or 1.  The object of the game is to knock down as many pins as possible. 


The only reason I can see a rule change would be necessary is for establishing an average.  If I average 220 one handed, and I decide to start next year bowling 2 handed, I will probably only average 160 until I get really comfortable with the style.  So after 7 weeks of averaging 160, I now decide it's not worth it and I switch back to my 220 style.  That is really a form of sandbagging that can not be regulated. 


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 In golf, this issue is represented by the belly putters. Should they be allowed? Should they not?

Here is the answer:

If you think "belly putters are cheating! They shouldn't be allowed and they make the game too easy," but you're not using a belly putter - you're either a liar, hypocrite, or complete moron. If they make things so much easier, you'd be using one for as long as they weren't against the rules.

The same goes for 2 handed bowling.

As the rule is now - you are allowed to switch back and forth. So, if you think that switching back and forth is such a huge, exaggerated advantage that you can't possibly overcome with, oh I don't know - skill? Then you need to use this huuuuuge colossal advantage to your benefit while it's still legal by the rules.

Point being - question the rules all you want. But the rules don't give any advantage to anyone. They're the same all the way around and you can benefit from them just as much as the next guy. He doesn't obey different rules than you do.


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My personal feeling is that if a person uses no thumb on the strike ball, no thumb should be used on the spare ball. I know we're talking on hands, but imo a thumb is equatable to a hand. Iunno if Belmo uses his thumb on spares or not, I don't get to watch televised, but I know in leagues where I bowl we enforce Thumb or No Thumb throughout the shot, and it forced guys to learn how to pick up spares with no thumb.

Current in-the-bag-at-random:
Track Robo Rule - OOB - 4.5 inch span
Black Widow - OOB - 4 inch span
Hammer Taboo Pearl - OOB - 4 inch span
Midnight Vibe - OOB - 4.25 inch span
Infinite One - OOB - 4 inch span
Complete NV - OOB - 4.25 inch span
Black Widow Sting - OOB - 4 inch span 
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion


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omfg how many times are we going to discuss this subject that cannot be discussed because it is legal. Again for the 20th time, it doesn't matter if your using two hands along with your right foot and nose. As long as the ball is in your same hand your throwing, that is a legal shot and if you switch hands is an illegal shot in USBC rules.


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If you don't want to discuss it, then don't click on the thread.  We all know what the USBC rule is.  Some of us just question if the rule should be changed.  There is nothing wrong with questioning things and considering change. 

BrianCRX90 wrote on 4/20/2012 10:21 PM:omfg how many times are we going to discuss this subject that cannot be discussed because it is legal. Again for the 20th time, it doesn't matter if your using two hands along with your right foot and nose. As long as the ball is in your same hand your throwing, that is a legal shot and if you switch hands is an illegal shot in USBC rules.


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For what reason would it need to be changed and what advantage is to everyone that bowls. You can't swtich hand in USBC which to me is a dumb rule. Most people can't do it anyways and most people can't throw it two handed. This discussion was brought up well back in the 90's throwing it one handed with no thumb and people thought it should be illegal. The topic seems to be more about jealously then wanting to really change a rule.


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 Okay say for instance they did change it. What's next? Not being allowed to change wrist positions? Or stance? This game is about constant adjustments. In my opinion you should be able to get the ball down the lanes right handed left handed one handed two handed between your legs or whatever way works best that given day. People are allowed to switch hit in baseball so what's the difference. I could see where youre coming from on averages but hey that's why this is a GAME to most of us here that are worried about handicap anyway. If you are bowling to pay the bills you aren't worried about averages and handicaps

trash heap

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What do you think of this?


We have a very talented 15 year old two handed bowler in the area. He can throw a backup ball with two hands, still having the ball in his right hand. I have seen him pick 10 pins up with this release.  He can't play as deep as he does throwing to the right, but he can do it.


If he works on this backup release, he should be able to play both sides of the lane. Imagine having that kind of A and B game!


Talkin' Trash!