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Author Topic: Shoulders  (Read 741 times)

channel surfer

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« on: July 30, 2004, 10:28:27 AM »
After looking at my bowling videos in slow motion, I noticed that my upper body is all screwed up. I took screen shots:

This picture is me going into my backswing, notice how far im bent over and that my upper body is leaning to the right.

Almost near the bottom of the swing

This is at the bottom of the swing. But notice how my upper body is all bent over, and it leans to the right. I think I should work on keeping it straighter. What do ya'll think?

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Re: Shoulders
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2004, 12:57:29 PM »
channel surfer -- I agree, your posture is unusual.  But the important thing is, do you keep your swing straight to your target line (can't tell from the pictures)?  The "old" teaching was to keep your shoulders level and square to the target, but look at Pete Weber.  He does none of that, but his swing is straight to his target every time.  I still think it's easier to have a good swing if your posture is "textbook", but do what you have to do to be accurate.  --  JohnP

channel surfer

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Re: Shoulders
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2004, 01:29:57 AM »
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