I could recount my troubles, but I don't think it would do you any good.
Is your timing truly out of synch? Well, this is 20/20 hindsight, but what I have recommended that friends do is make themselves a checklist of things that they do right when they get that uncoordinated feeling. My idea is that we can't rely on what "feels" right solely because we feel differently, emotionally and physically everytime we bowl. Sometimes we're stiffer, sometimes we're more tired, sometimes we just don't feel up to par.
So my idea is to make mental (or better yet, written) notes of some physical checkpoints when we are bowling well:
Remember exactly what we do with our hand, with our feet, with our shoulders at every key point in our approach.
Most times when we're executing properly and scoring well, we do not think about these keys, such as where our hand/ball is with respect to our foot/feet, at the pushaway step (an important key for me). But if we're executing poorly or just feel uncoordinated, then we don't know what these keys are and we can't seem to help ourselves. It may be weeks againb before we get that good "feel" back and it strictly by accident. Maybe, remembering some of these keys, it will be easier and quicker to get ourselves back on track.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."