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Author Topic: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)  (Read 23380 times)


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Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« on: February 09, 2015, 12:24:43 PM »

Taking his towel off of the ball return at 3:46 & 7:30.  Also, he throws a Brooklyn at 6:10 and look at his reaction.  Shut up old man.
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2015, 12:58:12 PM »
Good research. But maybe it's a recent change for PDW?


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2015, 01:17:50 PM »
I find his "TV Personality" to be abrasive...  and have the general opinion that he's pretty much a d@ck. 

No idea how he is off the lanes, but assume he acts similar.  Makes me smile a bit when he loses.



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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2015, 01:34:17 PM »
Part of it is marketing too lol.... keeping up with his bad boy image. bowling could use that IMO.. show's have been improving somewhat this year, but the last few years, bowling got boring for me and my friends.....

PDW reminds me of my bad A$$ uncle who is really friendly but cocky. and when it comes to basketball he can be a donkey, but people like him. when he played ball at 45, he was taking college team kids to school and came close to fighting too...only difference between PDW and my uncle, My uncle is a AM boxer lol and pete is a 30 plus champion....
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2015, 01:55:48 PM »
I find his "TV Personality" to be abrasive...  and have the general opinion that he's pretty much a d@ck. 

No idea how he is off the lanes, but assume he acts similar.  Makes me smile a bit when he loses.


I've met Pete Weber a couple of times. Bowled a Pro-Am in Reno and he was on my pair for the last game and I had a chance to chat with him a bit afterwards. He didn't rush off like most of the pros do in those events.

He also came to Stockton about a year or so ago and bowled against us local hacks, something Storm was paying him to do I guess. He claimed to remember bowling with me in Reno, but I have no doubt that he was just working the crowd. LOL

Both times, I thought he was very cordial and accessible to everyone who came up to him.  He truly seemed to enjoy interacting with the fans. I have to admit that I wasn't a fan of his before I actually met him, but now I root for him every time.
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2015, 02:11:02 PM »
Pete can come off a pompous jerk, but I believe he's good for the game. He gives a lot of us older guys hope that we can still compete.  :)
I was disappointed in his post match interview after the loss to Belmo. He basically blamed "TowelGate" for getting in his head and affected his performance. It wasn't one of his better moments. He should have taken the high road and gave credit to Belmo for executing better.
He has no problem celebrating his wins. He needs to show some humility in defeat.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2015, 02:23:00 PM »
This may be the first time in my life I'm defending Pete Weber. I'm definitely not a fan... bottom line though, if they ask the pros to keep towels off the rack, then no reason not to do it. It's like asking us to keep powder out of the settee area at Nats. It may be a courtesy thing, but yeah, I see his point.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2015, 02:33:38 PM »
In my opinion I think it did.......

He finally let all of that mess get to him lol....

Getting mad at the crossover, and breaking his glasses, classic.
Now seeing as he doesn't wipe his ball, I might give him that, but he didn't have to act like that......

My other thing is, if they don't want the bowlers placing towels there, why don't they give them a spot to do so.  Once you step on the approach you don't want to step off to get your towel.

Pete can come off a pompous jerk, but I believe he's good for the game. He gives a lot of us older guys hope that we can still compete.  :)
I was disappointed in his post match interview after the loss to Belmo. He basically blamed "TowelGate" for getting in his head and affected his performance. It wasn't one of his better moments. He should have taken the high road and gave credit to Belmo for executing better.
He has no problem celebrating his wins. He needs to show some humility in defeat.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2015, 09:12:47 PM »
Pete is a talented bowler and he's a bully and he's a baby.  He adds fuel to the fire of everyone that claims bowling is not a real sport and he's an embarrassment to his sponsor whining like a bratty kid about a towel on his ball?!  What a complete joke.

I emailed Storm bowling to convey my disgust over his behavior and my belief that he embarrassed himself, the PBA, bowling, Storm bowling and Jason Belmonte, the international face of Storm bowling.  I pointed out that with someone like him representing Storm they come across as the Bawler's Company.

Acts like him are only accelerating bowling's death as a profession.

I encourage others to contact Storm with your thoughts even if you disagree with me.

At least show you care...too few of us do about bowling.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 09:16:52 PM by interstate4 »


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2015, 09:50:50 PM »
interstate4, just stop for crying out loud. I just watched a replay of the match on my dvr and I must say it was much ado about nothing. The PBA wants some color in bowling and the current owners asked for such when they bought it. PDW volunteered to to be the bad guy or controversial figure. I would be pissed also if I always found somebody's towel on my ball for no other reason than common courtesy. He didn't make that big a deal about it on camera, mainly some arm motions to whomever he was telling off to the side. He was far more animated and disgusted by the two brooklyns as many bowlers are, in competitive situations. I guess you've forgotten your international face of bowling crackling his plastic water bottle more than once during matches with Sean Rash, as Rash was getting ready to approach the lane? This stuff is more than likely smiled at by the PBA brass as it creates attention to the game that they don't have to pay for!! Now, settle down!!!!!


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2015, 09:55:11 PM »
livespive, Pete didn't win that match because he got too worked up, he lost because he threw a bad ball in the 10th. How had he done leading up to that? Oh, that's right, he threw two strikes that had put him only one pin down going in. Wouldn't call that "letting it get to him."!


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2015, 11:12:37 PM »
Pete is a talented bowler and he's a bully and he's a baby.  He adds fuel to the fire of everyone that claims bowling is not a real sport and he's an embarrassment to his sponsor whining like a bratty kid about a towel on his ball?!  What a complete joke.

I emailed Storm bowling to convey my disgust over his behavior and my belief that he embarrassed himself, the PBA, bowling, Storm bowling and Jason Belmonte, the international face of Storm bowling.  I pointed out that with someone like him representing Storm they come across as the Bawler's Company.

Acts like him are only accelerating bowling's death as a profession.

I encourage others to contact Storm with your thoughts even if you disagree with me.

At least show you care...too few of us do about bowling.

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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2015, 07:37:00 AM »
I don't like Belmont...I believe he does get in the head of other bowlers...every professional bowler know you don't do that...he knew it would upset Pete throw him off his game...yes Pete made a poor shot in the 10th frame....but would he if Belmont didn't do what he did...if you notice in championship match didn't stick his towel on his opponents ball he knew he could beat the guy....just says Belmont is a good bowler but when he's up against tough odds does this from time to time...rash comes to mind...I would made a big stink on tv... I would of got up and threw his towel at him...would of verbally told him about it to...Pete is a hot head but ask yourself what you do in that situation?
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2015, 07:40:13 AM »
Love or hate his personality/antics, PDW is probably the most talented bowler of all time up to this point. The fact that he was still right in the hunt at yet another major goes to prove that. I'm not a fiery, in-your-face type of guy like Pete; however, that doesn't mean it's wrong for people to be that way within reason.

Pete didn't run up on the approach and threaten to knock Belmo out for putting his towel there. He asked the tournament directors to enforce their own policy. Heck, I've seen fist fights and near fist fights during league bowling over things that were even more trivial than towelgate, so let's not act as if Pete's behavior was grossly out of line. Was he a bit childish/unprofessional, maybe, but is that any worse than Rash screaming "bottle bi#tch" at Belmo a few years back? Is it worse than Walter Ray whining about the conditions every time he leaves a 10-pin? Is it worse than hearing Bill O'Neil mutter under his breath about how badly the guys in the previous matches broke the lanes down? Bowlers, even the best ones in the world, are human beings, and human beings get frustrated from time to time. Pete got frustrated, and he acted like a bit of a baby. It's not the first time that's happened (to him or any other bowler), and it certainly won't be the last.

Lastly, Interstate4, you need to realize that for every person like you who dislikes PDW because of his attitude and antics, there are just as many if not more people on the other side who like him specifically because of those very things. As such, while I appreciate your initiative in letting Storm know your thoughts, I wouldn't count on seeing Pete's lightning bolt pulled anytime soon.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2015, 07:40:44 AM »
Yeah, but don't forget, the bad shot came after the both times that he was acting up.....

I think he is a good bowler, yes I do.
DOes bowling need more color.....Maybe, but not like that, it's bowling not wrestling.

I even like it when he celabrates, but the sideline stuff..... nah

livespive, Pete didn't win that match because he got too worked up, he lost because he threw a bad ball in the 10th. How had he done leading up to that? Oh, that's right, he threw two strikes that had put him only one pin down going in. Wouldn't call that "letting it get to him."!