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Author Topic: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)  (Read 23385 times)


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Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« on: February 09, 2015, 12:24:43 PM »

Taking his towel off of the ball return at 3:46 & 7:30.  Also, he throws a Brooklyn at 6:10 and look at his reaction.  Shut up old man.
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2015, 02:11:33 PM »
Yeah I noticed that, but didn't know how far back from the approach it was.
I know once I am on the approach, I don't like to leave for fear of stepping in something.

My other thing is, if they don't want the bowlers placing towels there, why don't they give them a spot to do so.  Once you step on the approach you don't want to step off to get your towel.

It looked like there was a small table right behind the ball return for the bowlers towels and rosin bags.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2015, 02:26:46 PM »
I didn't see the match...Because I was watching the NHL on NBC...But I heard about it....Now IMO...When someone puts their dirty towel on your ball...They know what they are doing...

Many times in league someone has done that to me or a teammates ball...I simply take the towel and toss it...Sooner or later they get tired of picking it up or out of the garbage...

Now as for how Petey acted...Can't say, I didn't watch the show...for I was watching the NHL on NBC... :D ;)

But we all know Petey dances to the beat of a different drummer...IMO...He is
good for the game....I would rather watch Petey display his talent than watching
some young hot dog who NEEDS AREA...

But as for this show...I did not see it...Because like most of America...I was
watching the NHL on NBC or Woman's Golf on the TGC or Men's Golf on CBS...

And from the 3 people that I know actually watched the show...I didn't miss much....

But it certainly appears that someone's towel got the best of Petey...


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2015, 05:00:22 PM »
In every professional sport, there's always a heel, a bad guy, a d-bag. Well, lets welcome PDW to that category. He seems to have a smug attitude about himself every time he bowls a major.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2015, 06:49:24 PM »
In every professional sport, there's always a heel, a bad guy, a d-bag. Well, lets welcome PDW to that category. He seems to have a smug attitude about himself every time he bowls a major.

Oh, be blunt, for Gods sake. Every time he freaking bowls, he's that way.
Maybe as he has gotten older, he is better behaved off lanes, as a human being, but on lanes, he's still a d*ck! and it seems he will always be one. No, I'm not just talking aggressive; he's  insultingly abrasive in a major way.

Let's be honest here: if he could, if he were bowling you, he'd bite you in the nuts while you're on the approach. if he could get away with it
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 06:51:09 PM by charlest »
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2015, 07:52:38 PM »
I agree with most of what you say Gene...and never knocked Weber's talent.

I just want to add that I'm not looking for Storm to pull his lightning bolt.

Rather than say much more, I'll just say I agree with everything C300_Rye says.  If PDW was a tennis player we'd all shrug because we respect tennis players as athletes and performers and that respect translates into a sport which is a lurcrative career for many.  Bowling is viewed as a joke by most and that translates into a sport that can't even be the primary income for a very small handful of people. A 50+ year old man acting like a child over a mildly oily towel isn't much,  but it doesn't take much to make the 2015 US Open malaise spread and kill pro bowling altogether. 

Love or hate his personality/antics, PDW is probably the most talented bowler of all time up to this point. The fact that he was still right in the hunt at yet another major goes to prove that. I'm not a fiery, in-your-face type of guy like Pete; however, that doesn't mean it's wrong for people to be that way within reason.

Pete didn't run up on the approach and threaten to knock Belmo out for putting his towel there. He asked the tournament directors to enforce their own policy. Heck, I've seen fist fights and near fist fights during league bowling over things that were even more trivial than towelgate, so let's not act as if Pete's behavior was grossly out of line. Was he a bit childish/unprofessional, maybe, but is that any worse than Rash screaming "bottle bi#tch" at Belmo a few years back? Is it worse than Walter Ray whining about the conditions every time he leaves a 10-pin? Is it worse than hearing Bill O'Neil mutter under his breath about how badly the guys in the previous matches broke the lanes down? Bowlers, even the best ones in the world, are human beings, and human beings get frustrated from time to time. Pete got frustrated, and he acted like a bit of a baby. It's not the first time that's happened (to him or any other bowler), and it certainly won't be the last.

Lastly, Interstate4, you need to realize that for every person like you who dislikes PDW because of his attitude and antics, there are just as many if not more people on the other side who like him specifically because of those very things. As such, while I appreciate your initiative in letting Storm know your thoughts, I wouldn't count on seeing Pete's lightning bolt pulled anytime soon.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2015, 08:26:04 PM »
The poker comparison I made had nothing to do with who throws tantrums.  And I NEVER watch poker, so I wouldn't know.  I do know that somehow poker has managed to become a more lucrative and far healthier "sport" than bowling.

The "Who Do You Think You Are I Am" was a popcorn f*rt overhyped by the PBA with less of a lingering impact.

The poker comparison was to point out that bowling is such a mess that it's been passed by poker.

Weber is one of the most talented bowlers ever.  And bowling has gone from respected to rejected during his career.  The delusional PBA that thinks it's the USTA or PGA still believes the game is healthy while some it's most talented performers live in their cars. I say bowling is either dead or on the verge of death...and has almost no margin for error or foolishness to live again.  The PBA and you seem to view "Who Do You Think You Are I Am" as great proof of bowling's relevance and mass appeal.   I look at how TV networks fall over themselves to throw ever increasing money at live sports in the age of TIVO and the DVR and yet they can't justify live finals for the WSOB or find enough money to stage a US Open.  I'll just say we'll agree to disagree.  Other sports can survive clown acts and even find a way to make them attract viewers.  IMO bowling isn't nearly healthy enough to do so.

Good gets good ratings and can make people money.  I don't know that bowling ever can again.  Lighthearted celebrity stuff just expands the market.  I have no problem with that.  If I want to see a midget rant and rave over a towel I'll subscribe to the WWE network and look back at old matches.  I won't watch bowling.

You do know you just ruined your whole point by bring up poker don't you? The biggest winners in poker or some of the loudest crybabies fact Phil Helmuth embraces it so much he calls himself the "Poker Brat". Half of the interest in watching poker on TV is to see Helmuth blow up, or to see Mike Matusow go off on someone....the list goes on and on. So maybe instead of whining like a child can grow up and realize that Weber is one of the greatest bowlers of all time. He plays a version of himself on TV. He usually bowls better when he is "upset" over something, it just didn't work this time. How much press did bowling and the PBA get over "Who do you think you are? I AM!" a few years ago? It made Sportscenter, regular news programs, etc.. Didn't see you complaining then? Or you can just continue to call Pete Weber names, like a petualant child, and your next rant can be about yourself.  ::)

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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2015, 08:38:08 PM »
Ha ha, the haters will always hate... PDW could bowl circles around all of you & knows more about bowling, surface adjustments, best abralon pads, best cleaners & core specs than all of you wannabees combined...  Keep on hating, LoL!!  Go PDW!!


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2015, 08:54:58 PM »
Ha ha, the haters will always hate... PDW could bowl circles around all of you & knows more about bowling, surface adjustments, best abralon pads, best cleaners & core specs than all of you wannabees combined...  Keep on hating, LoL!!  Go PDW!!

I'm not sure what this had to do with anything, but I'm generally a fan of PDW, but he acted like a total douche on the show.  Pete is as animated and tries to get in people's head as much as anyone.  He had no business worrying about where a pad was.  Belmo has had his gaffes in the past, but I couldn't care less where his towel/pad was.  A rosin bag could easily leave some residue, but a Storm shammy?  If anything I'd bet that Pete was trying to get into Belmo's head by throwing off his routine.


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2015, 09:19:23 PM »
Ha ha, the haters will always hate... PDW could bowl circles around all of you & knows more about bowling, surface adjustments, best abralon pads, best cleaners & core specs than all of you wannabees combined...  Keep on hating, LoL!!  Go PDW!!

That has nothing to do with the fact that he is not much of a human being.
I accept and admit that he is one of the best bowlers ever. period. No ifs, ands or buts, but he is also one of the worst examples of a human being that ever existed.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2015, 12:32:32 AM »
Ha ha, the haters will always hate... PDW could bowl circles around all of you & knows more about bowling, surface adjustments, best abralon pads, best cleaners & core specs than all of you wannabees combined...  Keep on hating, LoL!!  Go PDW!!

That has nothing to do with the fact that he is not much of a human being.
I accept and admit that he is one of the best bowlers ever. period. No ifs, ands or buts, but he is also one of the worst examples of a human being that ever existed.

Thank you for this sweeping generalization with no substantial basis, thank you. I mean with all the killers, rapists, pedophiles etc walking around, lets put a Pro Bowler in that same ilk.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 12:52:43 AM by northface28 »
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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2015, 12:47:58 AM »
livespive, I won't call you dim, but as I said earlier, PDW threw two perfect shots in the 8th and 9th and nothing happened leading up to the 10th that threw him off his game. Think what you want, but you're speaking from outer space. Gene is right, there are more that like PDW than hate!!!


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2015, 01:22:58 AM »
I have met PDW and he was wonderfully friendly off the lanes. He does many good things off the lanes. Did he get a little worked up on Sunday? Yes! Was it way over the top? Only in a low IQ individual's mind. Did he get upset to the point it cost him the match? I don't know how since he rocked the pocket in the 8th and 9th. He simply seemed to ease up on the shot in the tenth and it took off on him. He was just playing the same game Belmo was. There was a little black table right next to the ball rack and if Belmo wanted to set his towel there he would have. Whether he put his towel on Pete's ball or on the ball rack, doesn't make a difference. They have an agreement that nobody puts their stuff up there , then they shouldn't and anyone who does, is doing it on purpose! Get over it. What happened Sunday doesn't make a bit of difference to anyone who doesn't care about bowling! BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT WATCHING!!!  Bowlers stirred up at PDW are just haters, in the same ilk as the Marshall Holmen haters were. They didn't mean sh*t then and don't now!!


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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2015, 07:49:35 AM »
I don't hate pete,  I just watched him throw more than one shot that wasn't him.
Not just the big trainwreck, that one was just the most noticiable.

As said earlier, Pete is good, I'll give hime that, and we need color in the broadcast, but not like that.

livespive, I won't call you dim, but as I said earlier, PDW threw two perfect shots in the 8th and 9th and nothing happened leading up to the 10th that threw him off his game. Think what you want, but you're speaking from outer space. Gene is right, there are more that like PDW than hate!!!

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Re: Shut up Pete Weber (Video evidence)
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2015, 08:00:14 AM »
Ha ha, the haters will always hate... PDW could bowl circles around all of you & knows more about bowling, surface adjustments, best abralon pads, best cleaners & core specs than all of you wannabees combined...  Keep on hating, LoL!!  Go PDW!!

That has nothing to do with the fact that he is not much of a human being.
I accept and admit that he is one of the best bowlers ever. period. No ifs, ands or buts, but he is also one of the worst examples of a human being that ever existed.

Thank you for this sweeping generalization with no substantial basis, thank you. I mean with all the killers, rapists, pedophiles etc walking around, lets put a Pro Bowler in that same ilk.

Yeah, he murders the pins... Next they'll be complaining that he says, "Hi mom" at least once a game when the camera pans on him sitting waiting his turn... Yeah, that's a terrible guy...  ::)