I just want to say this, EVERY manufacturer makes great equipment. You seriously cannot go wrong with any of them. For building an arsenal, I would definitely stick with equipment from one family of manufacturers though as it is easier to compliment equipment.
I know it really doesn't help, but I just want to make sure you don't let the fans/staffers of certain manufacturers sway your decision because they think their equipment is best.
Out of curiosity, if you ball driller was on Storm staff and bowled competitively, would you trust him to develop a good Storm arsenal as much as a good Brunswick arsenal?
Someone that is a pro shop operator whether he/she is on staff with a brand or not should be knowledgeable enough at least with all of the "major" brands to put together a well thought out arsenal with any of them. Trust is something you have to decide yourself. Usually when I talk to a pro shop operator, I can get a good feeling in the first 10 minutes of a conversation if I would "trust" him/her.
On a bit of a tangent, I do take issue with pro shop operators on a company staff that only pushes that brand. I believe it is the duty of the pro shop to be a pro shop operator first and staffer second. Unfortunately many get kickbacks for selling the products they represent.