There he is, he talks them into letting him in the PBA. He's playing in the big tournament against "Johnny Watkin " ( Dick Weber). With a AMF Classic GL4 ball.
And he still don't have that thumb hole right,the back of his thumb is covered in new skin patches. (You can see it when he leaves the 7pin in the big match).
I'd say it's Excessive Reverse Pitch judging from where he has them on his thumb.
Then he has the PBA guy being a tool and not giving him a rerack on the big shot. Well at least he wins the match, gets the girl and his own bowling alley.
That's a look back into days gone by.
You go to the big PBA championship tournament with only one ball and your ready to bowl.
Plus Teams had Teams shirts, the House had a trophy case full of trophies.
I must say I liked that custom ball bag harry got for him, with his name on it to go with his new AMF Classic GL4 ball.
Haven Bowl in Alton, Ill. looked pretty good back in the day. Anyone bowl there? Looks to still be in business from their website.
Edited on 10/11/2008 5:23 PM