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Author Topic: Simple Green ?!  (Read 3936 times)


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Simple Green ?!
« on: September 30, 2004, 11:06:57 PM »
If I good understand SIMPLE GREEN is normal kitchen cleaner ?!
Lots of people suggest to mix it 1 to 1 with water.

1. Do you use also normal bowling cleaner (before, after use green) ??
2. It's safe for reactive and particle coverstocks ???

Thanks for help.
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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2004, 05:52:55 PM »
follow that with about another 1/4" of CONCENTRATED Windex

I've never heard of concentrated Windex.  Do you really mean concentrated, or do you just mean undiluted?

Simple Green, mixed 1:1 with H2O, is as effective as any ball company's ball cleaner, and as far as I can tell, it's just as good as Neo-Tac's Liquid Nitro.

Isopropyl alcohol helps the ball dry a bit quicker, but it has no deep-cleaning or degreasing properties of its own.
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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2004, 06:21:04 PM »
Simple Green, mixed 1:1 with H2O, is as effective as any ball company's ball cleaner, and as far as I can tell, it's just as good as Neo-Tac's Liquid Nitro.

seadrive: I think you're right with respect to the pure liquid cleaners, I like Liquid Nitro, but a mixture of 90% Formula 409 and 10% water seems to work about the same.

However, commercial ball cleaners with abrasives will do a more through job. My current favorite is NeoTac Khameleon. Hands down, this is the best overall cleaner on the market.
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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2004, 06:38:58 PM »
However, commercial ball cleaners with abrasives will do a more through job. My current favorite is NeoTac Khameleon. Hands down, this is the best overall cleaner on the market.

Yes, but unless the ball is already dull, an abrasive cleaner will also change the surface of the ball.  I assumed we were talking about cleaning a ball, without changing its surface.

How does Khameleon differ from Liquid Sandpaper?
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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2004, 06:56:20 PM »
TheDude- shame on you

So, Simple Green with H2O, or C2H5OH ??
No Split's Too Wide, If You've Got The Balls !!!
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Nope, not C2H5OH, but CH3OH, isopropyl alcohol or isopropanol. Not Ethyl Alcohol. However, what we call denatured alcohol here in the United States is Ethyl Alcohol, C2H5OH, with no water in it to dilute it. It often used in commercial ball cleaners.

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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2004, 10:58:41 PM »
seadrive / Inverted 1: NeoTac Khameleon is a less abrasive version of Liquid Sandpaper. When I first used it, I too was concerned about altering the cover, and limited it's use to my aggressive particles and reactives.

I've since used it on my Pearls and other shiny equipment. When applied by hand, you really can't apply enough pressure to change a shiny surface. In a few cases, I've used NeoTac Renew-It to touch up the shine. Even when using a straight liquid ball cleaner, you need to apply polish occasionally anyway.

I don't use Khameleon for every cleaning. After bowling. I'll hit each ball used with 409 or Liquid Nitro, and call it a night. However, there seems to be a suggestion in this thread that Simple Green is all that's necessary for on-going ball maintenance. Try Khameleon after a a complete cleaning with Simple Green, and you'll quickly see the difference.
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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2004, 11:38:35 PM »
Khameleon is the only thing I've found that cleans my Granite Gargoyle effectively, and it does it with little effort.  It results in about a 1500 grit surface on the ball, though, so if that is not the surface you want to end up with, you'll have to follow the Khameleon with your desired scuff or polish.  This result is with a spinner.  It is probably less aggressive used by hand.  Liquid Sandpaper is rougher than Khameleon.  With Liquid Sandpaper, you get somewhere in the 600 to 1000 range, depending on pressure used.

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Re: Simple Green ?!
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2004, 11:42:30 PM »
Never thought about using Simple Green on bowling balls. Cleans alot of other things, so why not. I did check and it is OK by ABC guidelines. If using any cleaner, not marked with the approved logo you could find your balls tossed out during a tournament. I know I would if someone brought in a home mixture. Someone here mentioned a 99% alchohol. Many alchohol products are a no-no per ABC, so your stuff could get your balls tossed from competition. Someone mentioned an Armor-All sized bottle, but just for sake of mentioning it here, Armor-All is on the big never use list, right along with denatured alchohol, MEK and such. There was a comment about Isopropyl Achohol not having cleaning properties, we use it in our lab to clean off silicone and urethane sealants. Something, MEK can even have a hard time doing. I have also used it to wash off paint overspray. It can clean, so mixing with Green makes some since and it evaporated very fast which could be a good thing. If not sure about if a cleaner is legal, you can track the list down on under the rules sections.