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Author Topic: simple way to increase revs?  (Read 11553 times)


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simple way to increase revs?
« on: May 13, 2009, 11:24:32 AM »
By simple, I mean no changes to ball drilling or surface, and no major changes to delivery. Interested, for instance, in whether I should hold the ball higher or lower, or changing wrist position, etc. And I don't use inserts.

Few weeks ago, I had my ball's drilling altered to a more comfortable fit. IS more comfortable and I am more accurate with it. But I have lost revs. And I didn't have that many to start with.

Happy with the drilling otherwise. Fits like a glove.

But would like to get some of the revs back if possible.



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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2009, 07:39:19 PM »
I have to try the tucked pinky. I think I have dabbled in it on occasion, but not recently (not with the new drilling) and not for an extended enough period to evaluate results.

And the cupping conversation is interesting. Someone suggested a couple days ago that I try cupping the ball, and I did... a little...but with the new drilling, it seems to cause me to be a little more erratic and even have some trouble releasing the ball. I don't remember that trouble with the old drilling.  My thumb hole may not be bevelled enough.

Is there a "rule of thumb" (pun not intended, but left in on purpose) for determining proper bevel?  Or is it strictly personal preference?

Edited on 5/14/2009 6:23 PM

I also find that when I cup my wrist that I am not able to come out as clean as I think when I cup it it tweaks my thumb a bit and puts pressue on the side of it.. like I need to change the lateral pitches a bit..
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350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2009, 11:35:08 PM »
The single one thing that I know that will increase revs is to be balanced at the foul line and post the shot.  

You don't have to speed up, special drill layout, grips, no grips, hand position change, 5 step, 4 step, 3 step doesn't matter etc.......There's no easy trick that doesn't require effort by you.

All you have to do is be balanced at the foul line.  Do not step off, do not hop.  Be solid and firm at the release and post the shot.  

If you set yourself up for balance at the release the second to last step of your approach you will automatically increase leverage and therefore revs.  



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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2009, 02:27:41 PM »

How did you know that I hop at the foul line?


(I don't feel like I do, but have been told by many that I do.)


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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2009, 04:39:49 PM »
Lack of balance either by stepping off or by hopping is just that common that I'd guess that 75%+ of bowlers do it.  

Once you start watching the 210+ bowlers you start to see a trend of balance and posting the shot.  However, that level of bowler is the minority compared to all the sanctioned bowlers of all levels.  



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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2009, 03:20:54 PM »
I don't know if I always hop, cause usually no one says anything.

But every once in awhile someone will be at the lanes who knows me well enough and is bold (and funny) enough to tease me about it. Then I'll turn to someone else and ask them "am I really hopping?" and they say yes.

Much of the time, I tend to release the ball very close to, or even before the foul line. I suspect that when I try to finish with my feet closer to the foul line, that the hopping is my way of trying to come to a stop close to, but not over the line. I'm more of a planter, so I would guess the hopping is a sort of unorthodox slide. Changing my steps to somehow end up at the foul line without needing the hop, would probably be a good idea.


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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2009, 03:52:57 PM »
I don't know what your current thumb pitch is, but due to arthritis, I had to add 1/4 reverse to mine.

 Oddly, this had the side effect of making it FAR easier to exit the thumbhole, and caused me to "cup" the ball during the approach and release, adding revs to my "natural" release.

 For me, it wasn't something that I had to learn or work on, it just happened naturally as a side effect of the added reverse pithch in the thumb and my bodies attempt to compensate.
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Did the added reverse cause you to have to squeeze to keep the ball on..??

I guess the cupping of the wrist might have been a natural side effect to help keep the ball on.
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 No, but I DID have to use a tighter thumbhole, which causes pretty good callusing on my thumb sides.

 Before, I just kind of locked the hole edge on the base of my thumb, but now I have to use the tightness of the hole to help keep from losing the ball, and the size of the thunbhole is MUCH more critical than before.
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Re: simple way to increase revs?
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2009, 04:05:24 PM »
I find that I will occasionally hop when my body's cg is too far forward (or off to the right) - it is my body's way of trying to find balance.  

I don't think you can hop if your body is balanced at the line.


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