Has anyone tried Ion Power S ball cleaner? It's a water base cleaner.
Last year at the Stadium one of the bowlers had this cleaner and he did a quick demo on it and I was somewhat impressed. But, when I asked for the price for the 8 oz., it was almost $30 if I remember. Nah too much. But, it's actually $5-$7 for 100cc, or 4 oz. according to a friend overseas.
This cleaner is made in japan and I've tried it when I was overseas last summer. It not only cleans, but makes the ball so tacky that you can palm the ball. Also, he soaks the ball in this product to decrease it.
The smell and color looks so familiar to the all purpose water base organic cleaner I have at home. Sales man licked the sprayer tube during a demo of this all purpose cleaner to prove it's safe. I wouldn't.
Anyway, has anyone here tried ion power s? I'll be going overseas in the next two months and i'll try to bring some back for some comparison.