It will not be the end of local associations. The local associations will have the option of merging as National has or remaining separpate.
In our local associations it sounds like both the the men and women are in favor of merging with a redistricting of the current boundaries. One idea is to separate Los Angeles into 2 halves and a 3rd being the San Fernando Valley.
They Youth will probably remain separate, they feel that there are issues unique to the youth.
I was in favor and am glad it passed. I realize it means change and probably some pains to go with it. They fixed the 2 main issues, members having a sy in dues increases and rules/bylaws. While we have to wait a few years to actually have a voice, 2006 (I think) we will not be out of the loop. They anticipate an increase in Nationals sanctioning dues but a decrease in State dues. Depending on what the locals decide to do,it could allow the locals to have an increase also. So we may be paying more for sanctioning, but if the service is better, and it is reasonable I have no problem with it.
Age is only a state of mind. Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young