As a coach I use these steps in teaching my students about goals And I'm just trying to impart information for learning.
Setting Goals
Goal setting is very important aspect in sports.If we don't have goals it is hard to measure your success
during the year.Goal setting has to include many different aspects,not just something simple as " I want to win the tournament"
Goal Definitions
1. Dream Goals-Are goals that are set over longer time spans between three -six years.These can
be big medium or small.Examples include ;wanting to make team U.S.A.,joining the PBA or smaller as in winning a state or city title.These goal are less defined than short term goals,but they have to be meaningful and something to work toward.
2.Individual Season Goals-These should be your one or two main goals for the season.They should challenge you but,only to the extent you are prepared to do the things necessary to give yourself a chance to meet them.They might be statistical achievements,awards or recognitions you want to achieve .Pick only two.
3.Spirit Goals- The most important;they involve personal growth.What do you really want other than betting your opponent . Examples;Applied myself to my fullest,Got into great shape,Love of competition,
4.Team Goals- (If you are on a team):What are the two or three things you want to achieve as part of a team or as a team.Examples include;Being a better teammate, helping others on my team improve, winning our league,winning city or state tournament.
5.Process Goals-These include areas that may help you reach your goals.Examples include;extra practice,learn to make more ten pins,learn to play inside line,learn to throw the ball straighter,extra weight training,extra cardio workouts,having better eating habits,better sleep habits.
6.Short Term Goals-What do you want to do next in your league or next tournament.You should always go into competition with specific goals,Examples include,win high game, high series,qualify first, win one more match in match play .
Keep in mind that when you set goals they help you achieve your defined dreams.Always be true and positive.Never stress about these goals just work hard to reach them.