Depends, in the thumg offset you asked about thumb is set somewhere under the middle finger. Yes moved!
In the CLT the thumb is left in the original T grip position. Fingers pitches are oriented down a line drawn between middle and ring finger. Thumb not moved!
The concept of thumb offset is to put thumb out from straight under bridge an amount that makes sense based on YOUR hand on the ball. How much is your thumb out from your bridge?
The concept of the center line transfer is that the fingers do not pull straight down to the centerline. Therefore pitches are oriented down the line between ring and middle finger.
Again two different concepts and methods.
Thumb offset move thumb, drop ring finger.
CLT= center line transfer, leave holes where thay are and reorient finger pitches(leave thumb where it is).
Two methods, two ways of drilling them. Two different feels. Standard drilling another method of drilling and another set of feels!