Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone!
I'm in Wichita now, sitting in the hotel room reading the boards. Hmm, sounds like home!
Trip has been grand. No fix-a-flat, as hubby put four new Michelins on the car before I left. Sweet guy! He'd probably kill me if I put fix-a-flat in the new tires. Have the jumper cables, good spare (tire), AAA card and all that stuff, so road problems shouldn't be an issue, just an inconvenience if they happen.
Yesterday I visited the two houses where the events are being held. Have heard that the shot for team is pretty nasty, but I didn't see any bad reactions with a well-thrown ball. I think a lot of the ladies are upset because the shot requires some speed and they're throwing about 8-10 mph. Once I roll a ball, I may find that my analysis is way off base.
I bowl team tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. and D/S tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. Bowled our state ABC tournament Saturday and Sunday as a warm-up and shot my highest tournament series ever, so I hope that experience carries over here. (Please, no ragging about bowling ABC stuff. My husband and I bowl together as much as possible, and yes, he'd bowl WIBC just to do it with me if he was allowed.)
The pro shop at the D/S site seems to be offering some good deals on balls and equipment. Noticed the Brunswick Monster Bruiser for $109.99, and I think that includes drilling! What a deal considering that I paid $180 for mine at home a few months ago. Lots of deals on shoes, too, including ABS Tour Ultras for $149. Too bad I don't need shoes. Hubby gave me a new pair of SST6s as my good luck present.
Oh, and about that non-hubby road trip ... well, apparently I enjoy being married and so does my husband. I miss him dreadfully, and he even called me last night just to say hi. Ah, life is good!
For now I'm out. Gotta iron the team uniform and get the bowling balls ready. Humidity is not a good thing. Fingers and thumb seem to be a bit swollen today, so I need to do some fit work.
I'll post later if I don't completely crap out in team tonight!