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Author Topic: Sliding backwards  (Read 883 times)


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Sliding backwards
« on: August 05, 2004, 11:55:44 PM »
This is really for the older bowlers but when do you know you are done?

While I still enjoy bowling and will continue to bowl I feel I have lost the ability to bowl good (at least by my standards). I seem to be sliding little by little down hill.

My body hurts; Knees, shoulder, and elbow bother me enough now that I no longer practice much and because of that my consistency has gone down the drain. Each week I miss spares that use to be routine.

My mental game is in the dumpster. I can’t seem to get the focus for every shot that I once had.

The game has changed. The current oil patterns and synthetic surface I’m bowling on gives me a bad ball reaction now making it more difficult to hit the pocket and my carry is not good.

I’m just a hack and will have to resign myself to it.

Goodbye cruel world.



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Re: Sliding backwards
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2004, 04:06:46 PM »
Well, to repeat a famous quote:
Getting older sure beats the alternative!!!

I know how you feel. After decades of wishing I could bowl with the PBA guys, they finally open it up to women when I'm almost 48. I know that by some people's standards, that's still young. But - I'm not about to go out there on the regional circuit and start lofting gutter caps. Ain't gonna happen.

Soooo... I'm gonna take the next 2 years to get into much better shape and go out with the old guys. Then at least my ball speed will be more than a third of theirs!!!

On another serious note - my dad bowled till he was 84. He didn't quit because he couldn't throw the ball - he quit 'cause he lost his license. He died when he was 85.
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Re: Sliding backwards
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2004, 06:03:18 PM »
As for bowling, join a senior league where you are better able to hold your own and where scores do not have the importance they do in leagues with the young lions. I speak from experience.

I don't buy it 'Bones!  Knowing you have recently (within the last year or two) shot 800+ makes me think that you can hold your own against the young lions - at least in a 3 game league format! That's not a bad thing, I'm just callin' your bluff.

Bring it!
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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Sliding backwards
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2004, 06:11:03 PM »
Dang PB, you must be getting beat up pretty bad this summer.  You never had this much trouble until after you closed down Rose Bowl and were forced into that other place.  You aren't that old, but I guess the mileage has been tough.  I hope you don't just quit if you don't feel you can compete at your high level of expectations.  Hang around long enough until your daughter can beat you on a regular basis.  Then live vicariously through her.

Do you want me to send Dad over so you can shoot some good scores again?