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Author Topic: Slumps  (Read 1558 times)

L o G

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« on: November 04, 2003, 06:44:17 PM »
Hello all,

How are y'all?  I have a problem, I am in a small slump and don't know how to get out of it.  Four weeks ago I shoot my highest game in league, 267.  Then the next week I shoot my high series 679.  Then the next two weeks I start bowling worse than I was before my high weeks, and I feel like I am throwing the ball the same but am not in the pocket like I was.  How can I fix this.  Bowing is not as fun when you are not scoring as you all know.  It is evan worse when you are so up one week and so down the next.  So how do you get out of a slump?

Thanks Deadman
Deadman Walkin



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Re: Slumps
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2003, 10:21:42 AM »
Try just doing a fun bowl. Get together with some friends and just fling the hell out of the ball. Have contest for ball speed, biggest hit, whatever. Forget about the league, and turn bowling into what it should be for recreational bowler, fun, just for one night. I'm not guaranteeing it will help, but if it relieves the frustration and tension being built up from your slump, it couldn't hurt.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls


The Hose

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Re: Slumps
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2003, 10:35:50 AM »
I've been in a slump and seemed to work out of it by going back to basics.   Low and Long- stay down on the ball and make sure your follow thru is long and at your target.

The Hose

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Re: Slumps
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2003, 10:59:23 AM »
True, very true.  But with a town the size of Muskogee, it doesn't take long to go through them.  I'm down to 2.3 CPL's on Tuesday night but up to 3.4 on my Friday night traveling league.  We bowl most of the time in Tulsa


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Re: Slumps
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2003, 11:48:33 AM »
Personally, I was in a serious slump beginning this season. For me, the key to improvement was to relax. By this I mean relax in my preshot thoughts, relax my hand in my release, relax through breathing in a controlled way at the line. The biggest of those for me has to be the release. When I struggle, I tend to get too stiff in the fingers and hand in general. That leads to a lot of over and under, and poor directional control in my game. A softer hand, not limp, but softer than a rigid hand helps me to get the ball down the lane and gain control of the reaction. I have no idea if this will apply to you, but it can never hurt.
   Of course the other thing I have done is get myself a Blueberry Buzzsaw. That helped more than anything because I've been between 625 and 685 in my last nine sets.
   Give yourself a break, don't beat yourself up, especially when you're trying to perform. Good Luck
Ken Stoner

L o G

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Re: Slumps
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2003, 11:51:15 AM »
Thanks for y'alls replys.  I am glad that there are people like y'all that want to help others improve there game.  I think I am the only person that studys my teammates, so really the only advice I get is "don't change a thing" when I strike.  I have wanted to video my self but I don't have a camera.

Anyway thanks again and have a good day
Deadman Walkin