I've been kicking around this idea of running a bowling tournament that tours around the state of Michigan and hits all of the different small towns along the way. Well, I'm doing it.
The idea behind it was that (at least in Michigan) most of the tournaments seem to hit the same big houses from year to year, and through my business I've had a lot more fun visiting the small town bowling centers than the big city centers. Sooooo, other people are missing out!!! I want to give people a reason to visit these centers too!
And I'm talking SMALL towns here. Pinconning is playing host to the first event. It's a very small town up north of Saginaw/Bay City area. They make cheese there. Kinda like Wisconsin. It's cool though...they have this nice, cozy little 24 lane center with a cheese restaurant/store attached to the building. They say the store does more business than the bowling center!
The manager there is a cool guy and I think it's going to be a lot of fun running this tournament there. There's going to be one big qualifier on Sunday, Oct. 5 with match play following. They are also going to hold 7 other qualifying squads during the week, with each squad having its own cut score. With a 1 in 5 cash ratio, each squad has to have at least 5 bowlers for the squad to go. The tournament is handicap, and there's also a scratch division that is just based on total score for the 3-game set.
The tournament only costs $40 for each division and $70 for anybody that wants to bowl in both. I really hope this goes over well as I think it's neat to meet people in different towns, and fun to bowl in places that mose of us have never bowled before.
I just wanted to share this tournament idea with the rest of you and maybe get some feedback on it. If you like, I can post a reply after the tournament is completed and tell you all how it went!
http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"