Hey everyone,
After reading the latest in the series of posts telling all Lane 1 bowlers how stupid they are for using "over-priced brunswick equipment", I decided that I want to be smart. Since these scholars seem to be judging this matter on price alone, I have done some research and found that you're only smart if you use Visionary equipment. This assertion is based upon the fact that Visionary offers the lowest prices for its high-end equipment. Since the equipment is good and the prices are the lowest overall, that must mean that Visionary is the only option for "smart" bowlers. There you have it guys and gals, let's put AMF, Eboite, Hammer, Columia, Storm, Brunswick, Mo-Rich, Nu-Line, AZO, DT, Track and, of course, the evil empire that is Lane 1 out of business once and for all! Let all of the smart bowlers in the world unite unde three glorious letters: VBP!!!!! Case closed.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?