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Author Topic: Coming back after a 1 year hiatus.....question(s)  (Read 862 times)


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  • Brian S.
Coming back after a 1 year hiatus.....question(s)
« on: May 04, 2010, 06:24:18 AM »
To start off I am 32 yrs. old and just went through 2 back surgeries within 60 days of each other. I had 2 lower lumbar discectomy(s)...basically I had the disc between L4 and L5 explode at the sides. So, the doctor released me in April to start some rehab when and if I feel up to it. So, I joined the gym a few weeks back and have worked on rotational exercises and stretches...I feel GREAT. I was at the alley saturday watching my son and daughter bowl for his bday party and decided to grab a ball and do the ol' one stepper with my street shoes....well, it went well...217, missed 2 10 pins, 209, missed a 10 pin and a 4-9. When I went out last year from my leagues I was a 230+ house hack in 3 leagues (3 different houses). So, have any of you went through something like this? How was the return back to bowling? I just want to come back to the sport I love and be competitive, but am I asking to much, to quick? I was told doing a one step approach puts more pressure on your back than the actual 4 or 5 step approach, any truth to this? Any thoughts, opinions, concerns or constructive criticism is welcome!

Thanks for the time guys & gals....



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Re: Coming back after a 1 year hiatus.....question(s)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 09:44:32 AM »
Why not start with a plastic ball in a lighter weight drilled to fit, and work up from there?  If you bowl league in the fall, you should have plenty of time to get the feel of throwing the ball again before going back up to your original weight.

Welcome back  I was off for 7 months because of the economy, and my summer league starts May 11.

White Dot
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Re: Coming back after a 1 year hiatus.....question(s)
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2010, 02:15:55 PM »
As long as you remember that Doctor's are people too, and they make mistakes. Even if he says you're good to go, there is always the possibility you could re-injure what you've had fixed.

Take it slow and easy too, back surgery isn't something to scoff at and go ME MAN ME STRONG..potential for life long complications there
Big B > *


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Re: Coming back after a 1 year hiatus.....question(s)
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2010, 02:53:41 PM »
I had a lumbar discectomy in June on '06. I was back to golf in 8 weeks and bowling full-time in three leagues. Just remember to take it slow start off a couple games a week then work your way up. Just remember no smoking it will double your recovery time. Same weight ball I used 16lbs. Just be smart if it is sore stop. Good Luck
Formerly Iamthegreat
Formerly Iamthegreat


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Re: Coming back after a 1 year hiatus.....question(s)
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 08:03:06 AM »
Take it slow and easy too, back surgery isn't something to scoff at and go ME MAN ME STRONG..potential for life long complications there

+1. Be CAREFUL and do not push it. Listen to your body - if it feels uncomfortable, take a break or even stop bowling.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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