General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: 9erfan on February 03, 2004, 01:21:30 PM
What are your opinions on smoking and bowling? It's getting so bad on leagues that bowlers want to smoke on the approaches and lanes. And some while they bowl.
All houses should go smoke free. I have bowled in a few that were and nothing can compare to how nice it is to bowl with no smoke!!
"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....
I consistently SUCK!!"
Here in FLorida it's no smoking in all bowling houses. Now I am a smoker, but it doesnt bother me at all, it's kinda nice having all that clean unfogged air. I can see the pins when they fall now. lol. When I want to smioke I just run outside in between frames, grab a couple of puffs, and get back in there, its not that hard.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.
i live in new york, and there is a smoking ban everywhere. stadiums,restruants bars, and bowling alleys. u get caught and u get a 150 dollar fine and the house gets a big fine as well. i'm a smoker, sorry to say, but i dont mind it.
Okla went non smoking and it now takes almost 30 min longer to bowl a 3 game league set due to bowlers going outside to add another nail to the coffin.
Our league dealt with that too Sawbones. If you arent there to bowl when it is your turn, you have two minutes to show, or you forfeit your turn. We have only had one forfeited turn so far this season.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.
I live in the Portland, Oregon area. The whole metro area is non smoking in bowling centers (except for the bar). Washington, just across the river, is not.
The biggest money league is in washington. I won't bowl, because of the smoke. In fact, I learned last night that a guy who went to Washington because of the money is coming back - and will be on my team next year.
When my tournament group has tourneys in Washington, we ask the house to go non smoking for the duration. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Just bowled in a tournament a few weeks ago in NY where they banned smoking in ALL public buildings. SUCH a nice change. Hey, I have no problem if people want to smoke and kill themselves, but make all the other people in the building breathe it too. Again, I think this falls into the "courtesy" category. Even worse is when people light one up, then just let it sit in the ash tray... If its setting there and no one is around, I butt the thing out... I don't want to breathe that crap...
Personally, if there were any decent scratch leagues in my area that were smoke-free, I would definitely join up over my current "fog-leagues".
The Bengals season has come to an end. Achieved the .500 mark, so all was not lost. Now we look forward to April... Come on Chris Gamble
Im sorry but if people cant go a couple hrs. without
lighting up, that person has got some problems.
Now if people want to smoke thats their business.
Im from NY as well and i just about had a party
when they passed the smoking ban in public places.
I absolutely love non smoking bowling halls.
Winners Never Quit & Quitters Never Win
I hate it. One of my teammates smokes like a chimney and I have to breath that crap all night unless I stay down behind the approach.
I don't like to impose my will on people -even smokers-who I do believe have a disgraceful addiction. Cigerette butts litter our parking lots, our streets...The damn people think that the entire world is their garbage can and the air we breath is their personal toilet. WTBS-I'd like to allow people who consume these noxus fumes that right and I'll do my part to cull the population if that is what they desire.
If you've got a dollar store nearby, see if they have a plastic portable fan that runs on two AA batteries. Blow the smoke away from you. It makes a HUGE difference (at least for me) 
BONUS: If it's warm it's like having a portable hand dryer!
White Dot 
It's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
Both my parents smoked when I grew up so I am use to the smoke plus all of my friends who I bowl with smoke. Yeah it would be nice to be smoke free while league is going on. The way I think about this is at work they have to periods of time without smoking so why can't they when they bowl. If it is just center by center to go smoke free I can't really see that happening however if it becomes law then there is no choice. Either way does not bother me.
trying to have fun while I bowl
I quit five years ago. I hate it at the centers I bowl at. The first thing I do when I get home is change my clothes and wash my hair because of the nasty smell. I wish they would ban it here.
I dont like it either. The smell of tobbaco stays on my clothes the rest of the day, which isnt good.
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I'm gonna go a little off the topic here, but as an ex-smoker, I do enjoy the fact that all of CA is non-smoking. What always got my goat when I was a smoker was when I would go outside and people would complain about where I was. Take for instance where I would. When I would take a smoke break, I would go outside and stand well away from the front door. On occasion someone would walk by and comment about me smoking where they were walking. Talk about idiotic. People complain about smokers inside, so they are pushed outside. Then people complain about smokers outside, so now what? No smoking in public?
Blowing smoke on someone is much like urinating on them. I don't feel I should have to tolerate either. One is more disgusting, but the other gives cancer. Smokers feel they have the right to inflict their habit on you, much the same way Heroin addicts feel it's ok to steal to support their habit. Any addiction leads to horrible social behavior. All public places should be smoke free. People should be free to do what they want in the privacy of their own homes, but when they include me, it is not a right issue. Smoke at home all you want. smoke yourself into beef jerky I don't care.
Then people complain about smokers outside, so now what? No smoking in public?
Sounds like a good idea to me...and at least that way I wouldn't have to switch from vent to A/C in the truck when I am stuck at the intersections- seems like every "homeless" scrounge has a cigarette burning and I have to switch to A/C to keep from smelling the smoke inside the truck.
What makes the local houses so bad is that they won't keep the smoke-eaters in good condition, so unless they have the ceiling fans on high speed, you are still stuck dealing with the crap foisted on non-smokers by the inconsiderate ones.
i'm a smoker and i don't mind not smoking during bowling. i do have a bad and deadly habit and i would love to quit one day, but i don't like people trying to judge my faults, nor if i'm outside having a cig and somebody complains to me about me smoking sorry to say i'm gonna slap them right in the face. cause these are the same people who sit there at a bowling alley an drink themselves to death an then get in a car an drive home. ur truck michelle prolly puts more anti-oxidants in the air then my second hand smoke. and until u are or have been addicted to something thats hard to quit like smoking u shouldn't comment on it cause u have no idea what its like. i like it that theres no smoking in bars in new york and at bowling alleys cause it makes me smoke alot less. but as far as putting my down for my bad habit, look at ur bad habits before judging mine
My wife quite bowling when she became pregnant with our little boy because of the number of people who smoke in our league. Last night I traded out my old pair of sst 1s for my new sst 5's. You guessed it, my old shoes smelled like cig smoke.
Tisker- Looks like Tarzan, bowls like Jane
Visionary Staff Member (not really)
Obviously Kingpin you are one of the partiers. Like I said smoke your brains out but there is medical evidence that you are hurting others. The smell is the least of the problems
Actually the data used by the epa for that "evidence" you speak of was one of 20 tests done on people. It was the only one of those tests that showed and increase in non smokers and cancer. You wanna know why? Bdcause they intervied cancer victims and their families, and if anyone that had cancer had ever been around a smoker in their lives, they said that second hand smoke was to blame. Look it up. Don't believe that you are told, do some research and find out the truth.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.
On top of that what gives smokers the right to inflict their mental weekness (addiction) on someone else? If you drank water all night long and pee'd on a smoker I bet he wouldn't take it kindly. And yet they think all that it is ok to include us in their activities without our consent.