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Author Topic: Smoking and Bowling  (Read 3911 times)


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Smoking and Bowling
« on: February 03, 2004, 01:21:30 PM »
What are your opinions on smoking and bowling? It's getting so bad on leagues that bowlers want to smoke on the approaches and lanes. And some while they bowl.



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Re: Smoking and Bowling
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2004, 09:34:59 PM »
i'm a smoker and i don't mind not smoking during bowling. i do have a bad and deadly habit and i would love to quit one day, but i don't like people trying to judge my faults, nor if i'm outside  having a cig and somebody complains to me about me smoking sorry to say  i'm gonna slap them right in the face. cause these are the same people who sit there at a bowling alley an drink  themselves to death an then get in a car an drive home. ur truck michelle prolly puts more anti-oxidants in the air then my second hand smoke. and until u are or have been addicted to something thats hard to quit like smoking u shouldn't comment on it cause u have no idea what its like. i  like  it that theres no smoking in bars in new york and at bowling alleys cause it makes me smoke alot less. but  as far as putting my down for my bad habit, look  at ur bad habits before judging mine


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Re: Smoking and Bowling
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2004, 09:54:42 PM »
My wife quite bowling when she became pregnant with our little boy because of the number of people who smoke in our league.  Last night I traded out my old pair of sst 1s for my new sst 5's.  You guessed it, my old shoes smelled like cig smoke.
Tisker- Looks like Tarzan, bowls like Jane
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Tisker- Looks like Tarzan, bowls like Jane
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Re: Smoking and Bowling
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2004, 09:16:37 AM »
Obviously Kingpin you are one of the partiers. Like I said smoke your brains out but there is medical evidence that you are hurting others. The smell is the least of the problems

Actually the data used by the epa for that "evidence" you speak of was one of 20 tests done on people. It was the only one of those tests that showed and increase in non smokers and cancer. You wanna know why? Bdcause they intervied cancer victims and their families, and if anyone that had cancer had ever been around a smoker in their lives, they said that second hand smoke was to blame. Look it up. Don't believe that you are told, do some research and find out the truth.
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Re: Smoking and Bowling
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2004, 09:31:10 AM »
On top of that what gives smokers the right to inflict their mental weekness (addiction) on someone else? If you drank water all night long and pee'd on a smoker I bet he wouldn't take it kindly. And yet they think all that it is ok to include us in their activities without our consent.