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Author Topic: Smoking or Non-Smoking  (Read 3315 times)


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Smoking or Non-Smoking
« on: October 07, 2003, 10:30:37 PM »
Now a days restaurants, gyms, just about anywhere indoors places are Non-smoking. Would it destroy bowling or would more parents feel better about bringing their kids into a smoke free environment.
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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2003, 01:43:33 PM »
I'm not sure how parents feel, but one of my favorite houses does not allow smoking by ANYONE during the youth leagues.  Myself, I am all for smoke free environments, being a non-smoker obviously.  However, I go into bowling alleys as they are now knowing what to expect.  Kinda like going to a bar - you just deal with it, like it or not.  The alternative is to ban it and have no leagues to bowl in.

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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 01:46:06 PM »
But many states/cities have banned smoking and many centers survived it and have carried on.

There is the key - if it is backed by the community in the form of a law, then it can happen because everyone is playing by the same rules.  If one center decides there will be a ban, but nobody else in the community does the same, the smoke-free center will lose customers...


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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2003, 01:46:42 PM »
I smoke like Pchee's Dog er Dodge! The center I bowl at went non-smoking last month due to the new state laws. Everyone thought it was going to hurt, But now it has more b-day parties and more open bowling with families. The leagues I bowl on have told the bowlers to smoke between games. The non-smokers have been cool about it and not minded waiting a few minutes for us to do it.



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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2003, 01:52:36 PM »
Ty, cough-cough-cough, I couldn't be kind about it because I just had lung surgery the last of May this year to remove a tumor plus half a lung on left lung which was caused by smoking.
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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2003, 02:06:30 PM »
I smoke a bit here and there but favor the smoking ban here in New Yawk. Frankly, the smoke stinks like hell! I am sure all the non-smokers at Galaxy appreciate not having to smell our(smokers) foul air! Less of a mess too. All the smokers seem to be rolling with the change. We sneak out for a few puffs between frames or whenever we can. I am sure that once the snow falls it will be more of a hassle but, "whatever", sometimes ya just gotta live with these things! As for the question, no I dont think it will destroy bowling. I cant say whether someone, other than me, would feel better about bringing kids into a smoke free environment but I would hope they would.
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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2003, 03:14:27 PM »
Don't ban smoking, just force everyone to smoke these:

No smoke....I gotta see this. I'm tempted to get a pack myself just to see them.

Saw Mill

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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2003, 03:27:50 PM »
I just wanted tp praise ALL the smokers here who have acknowledged the detiment of second-hand smoke to non-smokers.  I am very impressed with those who have noticed that it smells, and hurts those who do not smoke. I was afraid this was going to be alot of smokers that thought it was not fair, but I have seen some pretty mature and understanding responses from some smokers.  Just wanted to not let that go unnoticed, unthanked, or unappreciated.

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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2003, 03:39:12 PM »
I'm impressed with all of the smokers who are saying to ban smoking.  Its just been recently passed in my town and I sure do apprciate the clean air. They can go down to the barand smoke and most everyone doesnt mind  There have been a fairly large number of bowlers who went to an alley in another town, but are paying for it with poor lane conditions and a smaller house. Well good luck to them.


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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2003, 04:48:38 PM »
Non smoking, please.
I live in Oregon, but bowl a lot in Washington.
Smoking is allowed in all centers in Washington. In the Portland metro area, most areas have banned it except in bars.
I know lots of people who won't bowl in Washington, just because of the smoke!
The houses I bowl league in allow smoking in the bar, and another local house put in a couple of glassed in smoking rooms. Solves the problem quite well.

I just HATE trying to take a deep breath to relax if it's a tense situation - and get a nose full of someone else's smoke!!!

Edited on 10/8/2003 4:58 PM
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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2003, 05:14:00 PM »
Banned since 7/1/03 here in Florida. It has not hurt the participation in the fall leagues at all! And, as a non-smoker, it's great to not have to go home after bowling smelling like I was the one that smoked the cigarettes. The smokers normally go outside between games, it hasn't been an issue at all.


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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2003, 05:39:13 PM »
Myself an ex-smoker, believe that the smoke in most houses these days should not bother most people

I think any non-smoker would disagree.  We deal with it when we have to, but that doesn't mean we ever like the smell.  My nose is sensitive enough to it that if I have my windows open on the car, I can smell if the person in the car travelling ahead of me is smoking or not - even when moving and circulating the air through my vehicle.

Any of you that live near a major city should recognize the problem.
Any of you notice that when you wash your windshield or mirrors and ever notice the color of the dirt? Brown or Black? Brown is dirt and dust.

Dirt and dust is different than pollution.  You will get this even in the middle of nowhere with no cities.  Not disagreeing about air pollution being a problem, but we'll never be rid of dirt and dust.

My thanks to the smokers who are courteous and step away from the bowling area or go outside to enjoy their tobacco.  It is appreciated more than you may know.


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Saw Mill

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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2003, 05:54:29 PM »

Second-hand smoke if FAR worse than the pollution I breath.  Smokers are not being discrimanted against, they are allowed to go just outside to smoke, for those times they "need" to, but non-smokers would have to stand out there between EVERY turn.  Most places have built a room, just for smoking, where the smokers can see when it's their turn, or in some places the bar is the place.  If it was only the smell, I could prob deal with it, but it is the second hand-smoke that comes out and into my lungs that scares me.

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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2003, 06:53:50 PM »
i live in florida and since the smoking ban bowling hasn't taken a hit as far as i can see. Being a smoker myself i thought i would have to quit bowling. lol. but its not that bad, after I bowl my second game and I am waiting for the rest of the team to finish up I run out and grab a few puffs before the third game starts and I'm good to go. One thing about smokers, we're to stupid to quit but smart enough to find ways to continue. go figure. lol
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Re: Smoking or Non-Smoking
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2003, 11:28:16 PM »
A couple points, on the youth bowling that I read on one post. During YABA it is illegal for anyone to smoke near where youth bowlers are bowling per YABA rules. Good centers or smaller ones will make the whole center smoke free.

A single center or a city within an area with different cities and centers can not go non alone. The entire area or state must or it can and most likely will hurt the center. Dallas went non and with other centers within only a few minutes that allow smoking due to being in another city, it hurt that center. The bigger center that has no real close competition saw no damage from what I can tell. We now have three cities in our area that do not allow smoking, one day maybe none of them will. If that happens our city might follow.

If smoking is allowed I wish cities would mandate better ventilation systems to remove or reduce the effects of smoke. I have seen ionizors work in smaller centers if they are mantained.