Is there a difference between the black and gold and the red and silver?
I've never seen either, but if the BTM AND BJI reviews have any relevance, the original did not have the desired and advertised ball reaction for slower speed seniors: gentle arc. It was much more towards the skid/flip side of the equation. The new one, the Red/Silver, had changes to the cover and the core and its backend is much more mild and is what the advertisement for this ball says: Slow speeds will get a smooth arc.
It might be an option but I was just looking at some videos of the wisdom and the creature and the creature is looking a lot smoother. The creature is a lower RG and lower differential though.
Depends on which Wisdom was in the videos.
I think the original poster's Red/Yellow solid polished hook is going to be stronger than the Wisdom. They (the Hooks) are not entry level ball; they're far too strong, unless you're highly speed dominant. I think he was looking for something stronger than the Hook. I think the new sanded solid h Hook could be one candidate. Unless he wants to stick to 900Global, the Arson Hybrid, King Coba, and the Motiv Thrash are 3 other candidates.