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Author Topic: Most BANG for your bowling buck...  (Read 5730 times)


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Most BANG for your bowling buck...
« on: November 23, 2003, 08:59:29 AM »
I know I'm gonna' get a ton of personal opinions with this question, but I really, really need some non-biased replies to this question. Ok, I'm originally planning to get Lane 1 equipment, but I'm trying to look at all of my options.

Ok, which SMALL bowling company do you think offers the most bang for your buck? Now, please remember I'm asking a question and not trying to start any flame wars against any company. Also, I feel and I've been told, that with my style of bowling, I can throw pretty much anything. (Please look at profile)

One reason for me asking is curiosity, but mostly because I don't have the money to try every company that comes out. Yeah, I know about Bowling this Month, and I'm working on that as we speak. So please, I really like some honest, non-biased answers to this question. Thanks in advance.
When you've moved up, moved back, adjusted left and right, cupped, flattened out, have thrown everyting in your arsenal, and the pins still don't cooperate, just say, "Aw to HELL with it!", and throw the ball!



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Re: Most BANG for your bowling buck...
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2003, 05:09:30 PM »
not to sound rude, but how could anyone say a lane #1 ball is good ban for your buck?

hammer-blade line, track-crunch line,roto-streak line, ebonite-vortex 2 line
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Re: Most BANG for your bowling buck...
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2003, 05:14:30 PM »
I do not believe that Roto-Grip is a separate company. Last I knew they occupied the same address. Their advertising and parent company logos are also the same ( I work in advertising). As far as resins go, I would imagine every company tweaks them but can't imagine that all in all there are that many.


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Re: Most BANG for your bowling buck...
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2003, 05:37:40 PM »
bang for the buck . . . hammer deisel or blade series, or visionary equipment.

it's very true that today's bargain balls are yesterday's high performance miracles.

i'm not a fan of used balls . . . you just can't tell, short of a microscope and a chemical analysis, how many games have been played with the ball and thus how many games you'll get out of the equipment.

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Re: Most BANG for your bowling buck...
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2003, 06:09:42 PM »
Some good replies to this already so here is my input.

I think used balls are a good deal especially for a beginner.  They give you an idea of what that company's product line is like for a low price.  

That being said, I think that Visionary and DynoThane are offering good products.  I just got a RotoGrip but havent gotten it drilled yet but have heard good things about them.  Lane #1 so far for me has been hit or miss, I am still evaluating on them.

Some of the major ball companies offer good balls in their mid-price lines and perhaps should not be overlooked, unless you just want to try the smaller companies.  I know that Visionary has a good support system.  I have spoken to them a couple of times to have some questions answered and even spoke to the president of the company twice.  Might not be able to do that with the larger companies   .
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