Primarily, I go with Bob Hanson: equipment has made large steps forward, and if your ball matches up with the lane condition you can almost make automatic high games, like remote-controlled. But, nevertheless, you must be able to read the lane, choose the right equipment as the lane and oil changes, adapt your release, speed or line. If you are not able to do so, even the best ball will not help.
Although I must admit that many profit-oriented houses tend to put an easy oil pattern on the lanes to keep league players content... sad thing, especially when the egos soar by walled shots (I guess they even do not recognize this...) and not by proper execution. By luck I have two sport-oriented houses nearby, and my average there is 30 pins lower than in the easy house. Nevertheless I like playing sports turf more, because you have to be accurate and after the day is done, I know what I made right or wrong. The pattren didn't cover my mistakes.
It's the "dark side of the force": tempting us with easy oil and gadgets like ever-stickier coverstocks, wrist-supports, etc. ...
It is good to make high games - no question. But one should have the size to admit that it comes from easy conditions, not real skill.
But5, after all, bowling SHOULD be fun
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X" league website:
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe