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Author Topic: Mega Rant  (Read 5885 times)


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Mega Rant
« on: October 12, 2008, 02:21:08 AM »

Alright, so roughly 5 months ago I started to get lessons.  My coach told me in order to get better pin action and a more consistent release, to go to four steps and to work on a pendulum for my arm.  Before, I was 5 steps and I never used a pendulum; I muscled the ball up and down.  

Five months later:  my average is down roughly 10 pins on a THS, my average remained the same in my PBA league this summer vs. last summer.  My scores used to range say from 170-230 (of course there were a few exceptions).  Now, my scores are ranging from 140-250.  I'm throwing a lot more higher games, but also a lot more lower games.  I used to pride myself on being consistent.  I had countless 630 series where all my games were 21X.  I had a stretch in the 07/08 season where I went 5 weeks in a row with games in the 210's.  Now, I'm lucky if I throw a consistent set.  But I've also never thrown multiple 700's in the same few week stretch, and now I have.  When things click, it really shows.  And yes, my pin action is much better now.  I am carrying multiple light hits and heavier hits.  I had one season where I only tripped 1 four pin in roughly 95 games.  Over the last summer I carried at least one a week.  

Needless to say, I'm frustrated in my inconsistency.  I practice 2 times a week, and bowl league on Sundays.  I feel good in practice, then come league it's like night and day.  

What have you guys done when the going gets rough?  I'm a rather patient guy, but this is starting to wear on me.  Is this the normal learning curve for switching years of muscle memory?  Should I just keep doing what I'm doing?  Or should I try something different and new?

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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2008, 08:03:44 PM »
I wouldn't change anything if I were you, except your mental state.  You admit you're getting better carry, shooting higher games, and higher series.  IMO, this means the changes you've made are working well.

Now the down side.  I would suggest not anticipating so much that your lows will be lower.  If you're bowling so good when you're on, it seems to me  there is a major melt-down when you're off.  Analyze that specific portion of the "new" game.  What is happening when you're off, what is your mental state, what is the ball doing on the lane.  Basically, you're trying to identify all of the key similarities that are likely occurring when your game is off.

I think it's likely that you just need to re-learn what goes wrong, and what adjustments work and what don't with this new delivery you have.  See, you already knew this stuff with your old delivery and were able to make the correct adjustment to maintain your consistency.  I don't think the low games now are a fundamental problem with your game, but are just a matter of you needing to relearn what works and what doesn't when the "A" game goes south.

Stick with it.  You'll relearn and your consistency will come back.

Oh yeah, if all else fails, JTTFB!


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2008, 12:24:56 PM »
n00dle - I've been exactly where you describe and got out of it by identifying the problem and correcting it.

How often do you work with your coach and how often does your coach give you something new to work on?  Each of us needs a certain amount of time and practice to "internalize" something new, to "make it a part of our game".  If you haven't made step 1 part of your game and try to move on to step 2, now you're trying to internalize two things at once. Thus, greater up and down swings in performance.

For me, the problem was that the coaches were giving me new things too often. I spaced my coaching sessions a little farther apart and my consistency came back quickly.

Good luck.

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 10/15/2008 12:25 PM


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2008, 12:43:07 PM »
I once was told it takes at least 1000 games to ingrain a different technique. That being the case I wonder if you have given it enough time.

I would argue that there is NO perfect technique identified in bowling. It seems that everyone has there own UNIQUE style. Sure there might be some fundamentals that make bowling consistanly easier but even these are not imployed by +80% of all bowlers top bowlers.

For my students and myself, if there is not some fairly immediate positive results then perhaps that specific skill is not for them and some other alternative would be easier or better.

I believe bowling is a skill that is developed from a natural point of view and not from a specific set skills that must be mastered. Why would you force a left hander to write with there right hand?

Sure there are benifits to a looser armswing but not at the point where it does not produce the desired results.

I agree with the statements made that you need confidence is your changes and skills. I agree that sometimes changes are hard to implement. But for me it seems that you have given alot of time to work.
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2008, 10:21:53 PM »
I'm going through the same thing after a radical change to my game over the summer.  I have lost most of the confidence that I had, and my average has dropped.  I did have to make the change though if I ever hoped to advance.

However, now I am just as much lost and probably have too many tools in the toolbox so to speak.  Too many things to think about.  At first I got very, very, very angry in league at my newfound low scores and problems.  Now I just feel like I have surrendered to bowling badly?  Kind of like accepting losing.  It sucks.  At least I am

I still practice though.  Just not enjoying it as much anymore.
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2008, 10:33:13 PM »
Keep your chin up.  When making major changes you will typically go down before you go up.  About 12 years ago I was averaging in the low 190's and wasn't going to get better the way I was doing things.  I hooked up with the best coach in my town and worked for 3 years with him.  He completely took my physical game apart and built me back up from scratch.  I initially went down about 15 pins, but by the end of the first full season after lessons I was up to 209.  I increased my average every year after that until achieving a high of 235 two years ago.  Went down to 228 last year after knee surgery, but still hard to complain, and I don't expect to average in the 230's all the time.  Keep practicing and putting in the hard work and it will eventually pay off.


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2008, 12:29:26 PM »
Thank you all for the kind words and support.  It helps a lot.  

1,000 games, huh?  That's a lot, lol.  

As far as lessons:  I got a few over the summer (I met with my coach once a month or so).  Now lessons are going to be few and far between as he is out on tour at the moment.  I'll see him again in December, then maybe once more before the tour wraps up.  

I haven't had a chance to hit the lanes since last Sunday, so I'm going to try and get there tonight.  I want to put in 4 games, and work on just repeating shots.  Keep a positive frame of mind, and just have fun.  It IS a game after all, there's no need to get super angry.  Yeah, it's frustrating, but I should start to think of this as a challenge, not a failure.

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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2008, 08:21:23 AM »

I went to practice last night.  I did the 45 minutes thing, which translated into 4 games.  The first game I wasn't doing anything other than getting a feel for the lanes and making sure my newly re-drilled gear fit alright.

Then games 2 3 and 4, I tried.  I focused on keeping my chin up (literally) during my approach, so I can be more balanced at the foul line.  First game, split for a 9 count total, then the next 8 in a row.  I was really happy with how balanced I was, and how I kept hitting the 10 board at at the arrows.  All my strikes and reactions except one looked identical, and that made me very happy.  The one I missed, I tugged inside 2 boards, but the THS kept it on target.  I felt loose, my body wasn't twisting or turning, and I was sticking my landing.  This game I bowled with my newly re-drilled RICO T-Road Pearl

Next game, I switched balls to something more skid-flippy, my Pyro.  I felt good throwing it, and got some pretty good reactions here.  I got a bit less consistent this game.  I found myself rushing my feet a bit compared to game 1, where everything was in sync.  I think I was focusing too much on my mechanics than actually doing them, if that makes sense.  The first half of the game I was all detail oriented, the second half I wasn't and it went better.  I could definitely feel that I was muscling the ball in the beginning.

Third game I switched balls again to my Neptune, re-drilled as well.  The ball feels like the pitch on the thumb is a bit off I felt like I was getting hung up in the ball too much.  But that's another chat for another time.  This game was by far my worst mechanically.  I wasn't sticking my landing, and b/c I was all hurky jerky (at least I think) my slide knee started to get a bit sore.  The first and second game when I had a nice deep knee bend, it didn't hurt at all.  I think I was twisting and turning too much, and trying to force my body to do something that didn't feel right.  I definitely felt like I was getting more tense through my motions.  I may have been bowling too quickly, but I'm not sure.  My form was very inconsistent, and it showed in my reaction.  Good balls I threw had the Neptune going further down lane before breaking.  When my form was all screwed up, the ball picked up REALLY early and just headed for the nose.  I wasn't bending my knee at the foul line, I wasn't keeping my head straight.  Basically the good things that helped me the first two games were gone, and I'm wondering if in league I'm just not paying attention to these things.  I worry so much about ball reaction that maybe I should worry about the operator.  

Sorry for the long post
Thanks though!
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2008, 08:31:08 AM »
Third game I switched balls again to my Neptune, re-drilled as well.  The ball feels like the pitch on the thumb is a bit off I felt like I was getting hung up in the ball too much.
You might double-check to see if the bevel on the thumbhole is different on this piece than your other equipment.  Too little or too much bevel can make it feel like the thumb pitch is off.  Too little bevel makes me hang in the ball generally.


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2008, 11:09:26 AM »
There are some practice tips from (as previously mentioned) Susie Minshew at the bottom of the following page:

To quote her "Never keep score in practice. If you're keeping score, winning matters. If winning matters, you're not practicing."

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson - "Better than Jello" - Kill the back row


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Re: Mega Rant
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2008, 12:39:52 PM »
Thanks for the bevel info Dan, I'll go check that out once I get back downstairs (lazy day today).  

And thanks for the bowling articles link janderson.  The only reason I was keeping score is because I usually consider it a good reflection of how I'm bowling.  While I know bowling well doesn't necessarily mean good scores and vice versa,  it helps to know how many splits I left and how many times I missed the pocket.  

But I see her point loud and clear.  Being results oriented is not a good thing to be all the time.  I should think more optimistically:  instead of "will I do well" I should be like, "Howe well am I going to do"

Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."