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Author Topic: So I went and practiced during lunch...  (Read 3359 times)


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So I went and practiced during lunch...
« on: July 14, 2004, 12:12:10 AM »
Trying out a new Element Au79 and Vendetta Particle Pearl with the Turbo Grips Switch Grip thingie and all.  

Anyways, the lanes are pretty fresh... on what is the "senior" shot to me.  Pretty early break point with very dry backends.  I'm around 23 at the arrows.  I'm all over the lane just seeing the way these two balls act.  Playing over the gutters and even 15 10 5... all that.  I finish my thng and put my street shoes back on and am about to leave...

when this senior bowling next to me says "you throw a real nice ball there.  You see that brown board on the right waaaay down the lane there?  That's your shot right there. Lay your ball down on 10 and hit that brown board adn you'll average will improve!  Look at me I'm just practicing and I shot 214 playing there."

"Yeah, I think I'll try it next time", I reply.

"You could even go pro one day.  Just hit that brown board."

"Yeah, I think that's good advice.  Thanks!"

I then went to my car and slit my wrist.  I've been doing it wrong all this time!  Straight down 10 and hit the brown board.  Whodathunk?

I like pie.




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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2004, 11:41:13 PM »
It is funny to listen to people.  I had to prebowl yesterday.  Lanes were fairly dry, but manageable.  Outside of 7 was really dry though.  I had to keep the ball a little tighter than usual to keep it from jumping early and rolling out.  Three guys came in and started prebowling on the pair next to me.  The only guy with any hand (but still practically a spinner) kept dumping the ball outside of 5.  What little energy the ball had died an early death and it would roll out by 30' and miss the headpin to the right.  I don't know how many times I heard him say "Boy, they sure are oily today".  LOL
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2004, 10:05:59 AM »
"You probably have some of the best equipment on the planet, you problem is that you really don't know how to bowl. Instead of investing another $300 in a ball trying to find the "magic ball", go talk to Ray (the house pro) and spend the money on some lessons." I smiled and then left before he could hit me...

Don't you know that Buzzsaws hit harder than a thermonuclear plutonium mega-charged weapon of mass destruction?  With a Buzzsaw you only need to be good enough to hit the 6-pin the face... the ball will carry do the rest.

My Buzzsaw is so good my acne went away and my dog now "stays" when I say "stay".
My Buzzsaw is so good I no longer need Viagra and my windshield never gets dirty.
My Buzzsaw is so good my pecs are real buff and my cellular reception is great.
My Buzzsaw is so good all my Internet pop-ups are now pop-downs and I sing great.

*runs and hides*


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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2004, 10:25:42 AM »
Years ago, early 80s, I was still in the Air Force and worked second shift. This was great because I could practice all morning at the local center. A friend of mine, and up and coming young PBAer would practice with me all the time. We'd start about 8:30 and go til about 1:00. On Wednesdays there was a senior league, and they would come in early as usual. Several of the men would wander down and watch us practice. One day one of the elder statesmen pulls me aside and tells me that I have a great game, but practicing with that kid is going to give me bad habits. That "kid" was Norm Duke.


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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2004, 10:47:06 AM »
That's pretty funny, Jim.

Just out of curiosity, what was it about Norm's form that he didn't like?
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2004, 10:57:33 AM »
I'm not sure,...but I hooked the ball a lot back then, and on the house shots and in practice I could strike a bunch. Norm would practice fundamentals more than I would. He worked on his accuracy, rolls, releases,..etc,..while I would just boom it to the I guess from the spectators point of view, he didn't really look that good in practice..

Mike Austin

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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2004, 01:59:51 AM »
C'mon Tony, you know those Seniors.  They know alot about bowling, they got their ball drilled at Ronnie's "I've truly never bowled before in my life" Pro Shop.  Ya know he's got some ancient secrets to impart.


Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Storm Pro Shop Staff Member

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!

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Re: So I went and practiced during lunch...
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2004, 10:50:26 AM »
I love when this happens.  The local center here has no good bowlers.  The men's league has maybe 5 teams and there is one bowler out of the whole league that actually practices.  Anyway, I practice here sometimes (when I don't want to drive over an hour to the next nearest center) and a lot of people that come in to open bowl say the dumbest crap to me.  That is when I proceed to move to the easy shot and throw tons of strikes.  Then, just for fun, I start bowling left handed or between my legs, and beat them that way.  They tend to shut up.

The best thing is when a really good looking girl is bowling next to you with her boyfriend who can't bowl.  You start showing off a little; she asks you to bowl her next frame; you proceed to strike; she proceeds to leave with you instead of her bf; you have a nice night together; go on a few more dates; then you never see her again; the cycle starts over again...  well, at least it happened for me
What, like the back of a Volkswagen?