www.bowlingchat.netThey have a fairly new forum. It's not as robust as here, but I'm sure if had the users they would add as many sections as needed.
Given all the "flaws" of this site - lack of moderation, short default settings, limited search function, etc - this site gets a lot of traffic, and that is probably why it is so popular.
I've seen other sites where newbies are shunned and the standard answer to most questions is "this has already been answered, use the search function."
I don't remember what the defaults are, but I think it's like 7 or 15 days. Anything older than that doesn't get seen unless you figure out how to change the settings. The furtherest you can search back is 30 days. No wonder the same topics are brought up all the time.
And the thing is we, the users, gladly continue to answer them. It makes you more likely to check the site often when there is so much traffic.
But, remember this - it isn't the site, it's the users!
Unoffical FAQ Search Ballreviews entire database
here"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."
"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."