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Author Topic: So, is this ****** up or what????  (Read 4701 times)


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So, is this ****** up or what????
« on: October 08, 2008, 04:45:02 PM »
I head into my league tonight still riding the high of a very solid 767 last week.  The guy who "oils" the lanes, who never speaks to me, yet loves to give me dirty looks walks up to me while I'm talking to a few people and says this:

"So, it seems you did very well last week, lets see what you do tonight on lanes 15 and 16."  With no reasoning as to why he would say that, walks off.  In typical fashion, I always before practice go up to the foul line and just look at the lanes.  I also touch a spot about a foot up-just one of my things.  What I notice is that the left side is nice and slick.  The right side-nothing.  I turn around and see the guy at the desk with this stupid inbred smile on his face.

So, practice begins and I can't keep anything right of the pocket unless I'm in front of the ball return or over the gutter cap.  I know I don't know everything about bowling, but I at least know that I shouldn't be that deep at all(especially on the first shift).  Moving on.

Practice is over.  I'm leadoff on my team so I'm up and ready to go.  As I release the ball, the gate comes down, cracking my Rising.  Hmm, weird.  Again, I'm staring at the lane guy who can't even look me in the eye as he's "talking on the phone".  Keep in mind the gate doesn't come down on anyone else.  2nd frame, I have to switch to my Kinetic Energy.  Weird.  As I release the ball, the gate comes down again, cracking that ball.  As I shout some expletives, the league president comes over to see what the issue is.  As I, and not only my team, our opponents, and the teams on the pairs next to us tell him, up comes the 3rd frame, and now I have to use my Pearl.  

Obviously, I'm beyond pissed and had enough of the b.s.  So this time, I make my delivery but I don't release the ball.  The damn gate comes down again, and I had enough.  So, I run to the back and chase the pinsetter out.  He and the lane guy run into the office and lock the door.  The league president got the house propietor(spelling?) on the phone and told him what happened.  I was promised that I would get both balls replaced and drilled at their expense, and the lane guy and pinsetter would be remprimanded.  That's it?????

Moving on, instead of just packing up and leaving I stayed to not screw the team over.  Wound up shooting 158 and 188 the first two game.  Even my weakest ball could not stay right of the pocket and I could not make my spares(Which I blame on not concentrating at all).  I finally clear my head by the third game and remembered a tip that my coach in Virginia gave me over 2 years ago.  It was to completely flatten my wrist when the lanes are fried.  I pulled off a 259 with my Kinetic Pearl.  That was the only thing good that happened tonight, but not worth it considering I still shot horribly and cost my team 2 games.
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2008, 10:07:46 AM »
I'm not sure of the veracity of the claims in the OP.  A sweep cracking your ball?  Unless the sweep is steel reinforced, I'm not sure how that could happen.  I worked in a center for 4 years and saw hundreds of house balls chucked at the sweep.  I never saw a ball crack, but I saw plenty of sweeps damaged.

I'm not saying the lane guy didn't fart around with your oil - I've seen it done on many occasions, but the story about the sweep cracking bowling balls... I can't get past that.


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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2008, 10:10:51 AM »
You should have moved left and played a back-up ball in the oil.

As for the rake incident, you should have calmly walked out to the parking lot and set the dude's car on fire.  If he's got a wife or a gf, you should go hit it - go get a (cureable) VD from a hooker, then give it to his girl who in turn would give it to him.  Break a bunch of thermometers and go dump the mercury in the crawl space under his house.  Kidnap him and torture him in the back of a van for a few days.  After you rip off his fingernails with pliers, dip them in rubbing alcohol and light them on fire. You should have no more problems with him after that. Just to be sure, you could also rub Tabasco sauce in his eyes, then lay him on his back, tape his mouth closed and pour a few drops of jalapeno juice up his nose.  Even better would be to sprinkly finely ground habanero onto his nose as he's breathing.

You need to be more creative than just chasing him into the office.


Internet Tough Guy

Cyberspace Sheep Lover

Damn!! He cracked a couple of Bowling Balls it's not like he stole your beer or something.

No, that's about right.  Steal his beer and then you'll really see him get mean!
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2008, 10:19:37 AM »
You should have moved left and played a back-up ball in the oil.

As for the rake incident, you should have calmly walked out to the parking lot and set the dude's car on fire.  If he's got a wife or a gf, you should go hit it - go get a (cureable) VD from a hooker, then give it to his girl who in turn would give it to him.  Break a bunch of thermometers and go dump the mercury in the crawl space under his house.  Kidnap him and torture him in the back of a van for a few days.  After you rip off his fingernails with pliers, dip them in rubbing alcohol and light them on fire. You should have no more problems with him after that. Just to be sure, you could also rub Tabasco sauce in his eyes, then lay him on his back, tape his mouth closed and pour a few drops of jalapeno juice up his nose.  Even better would be to sprinkly finely ground habanero onto his nose as he's breathing.

You need to be more creative than just chasing him into the office.


Internet Tough Guy

Cyberspace Sheep Lover

That's pretty damn funny.  

About the gate portion of it, I did say earlier that it may not have caused the damage, but sometime between releasing the ball and it meeting the gate, something did happen.
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2008, 10:20:02 AM »
You should have moved left and played a back-up ball in the oil.

As for the rake incident, you should have calmly walked out to the parking lot and set the dude's car on fire.  If he's got a wife or a gf, you should go hit it - go get a (cureable) VD from a hooker, then give it to his girl who in turn would give it to him.  Break a bunch of thermometers and go dump the mercury in the crawl space under his house.  Kidnap him and torture him in the back of a van for a few days.  After you rip off his fingernails with pliers, dip them in rubbing alcohol and light them on fire. You should have no more problems with him after that. Just to be sure, you could also rub Tabasco sauce in his eyes, then lay him on his back, tape his mouth closed and pour a few drops of jalapeno juice up his nose.  Even better would be to sprinkly finely ground habanero onto his nose as he's breathing.

You need to be more creative than just chasing him into the office.


Internet Tough Guy

Cyberspace Sheep Lover

Damn!! He cracked a couple of Bowling Balls it's not like he stole your beer or something.

No, that's about right.  Steal his beer and then you'll really see him get mean!
Unoffical FAQ

Search Ballreviews entire database here

"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."

"Government is not the solution to our problems government is the problem."

That's right! NOBODY messes with my beer!  So see, what I posted above is called an "attention getter".  When it comes to messing with my beer, you can think about it... but don't do it!


Internet Tough Guy

Cyberspace Sheep Lover

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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2008, 10:34:53 AM »
Lol.  I can't drink while I'm bowling.
Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2008, 11:00:06 AM »
Lol. I can't drink while I'm bowling.

How about when your thinking up amusing stories to entertain the BR members?
Rakes are intentionally made flexible to prevent the occurrence you describe.
You should have said you were the only righty on the pair and they screwed bolts into the lane to...Whoops after the bad bad laneman was found out the rake did not come down to harm any more balls.
WAIT..WAIT.. the evil lane man screwed nearly invisible metal studs into the rake so as to damage ONLY the balls that strike it.

Nearly invisible metal studs...Ya that's the ticket studs to stop the stud!!!!

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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2008, 11:51:36 AM »
I woulda rocketed my ball down the lane as hard as possible to try and break the sweep, that woulda put a big smile on my face if I had to go through that crap

Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones and Kenny Simard are Gamecock fans...are you???

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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2008, 02:02:29 PM »
You did better then i would, i would have hurt someone. Hope it all works out for you, please let us know what happens.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2008, 02:17:01 PM »
I agree with the BS angle.

I throw 19-20 mph and I have it a few rakes in my time and I have never cracked a ball, ever! Broke a couple of the rakes, but never cracked my ball.

Plus no manager would allow the rake thing to happen, 99% of the time the rake suffers the worst of the damage and then you have a lane or pair that is out of commission while the rakes are fixed or replaced. Loss of open bowling, 1) during the league since he'd have to move you and 2) after the league by either having to move the teams on second shift or having one less pair for open bowlers.

Great story, not true.



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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2008, 02:18:25 PM »
What else can damage the ball? The ball never made it out of your sight.
About the gate portion of it, I did say earlier that it may not have caused the damage, but sometime between releasing the ball and it meeting the gate, something did happen.

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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2008, 02:20:27 PM »
I have never seen a ball cracked by hitting a rake. IN fact more often than not the ball breaks the rake.

No disrespect, but I must call BS on your claim. I've seen hundreds of bowling balls hit rakes, and only seen the rake break (hey, I can rhyme) once in 20 years of bowling.
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Edited on 10/9/2008 6:44 PM
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2008, 04:16:23 PM »
As far as screwing up the shot,  I hear about that all the time.  And then the owners wonder why, why so many bowlers quit.

Owners are the reason bowling is in such a mess.  All they care about is
how much beer they sell.

It's almost like they don't have a clue what their workers are doing.

Some bowler gets hot, bowls a good series, wins a pot ot two,  and then he gets screwed with.  and the owners have that dumb look on their face, like they don't know what is going on.  Please!!!
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2008, 05:17:51 PM »
What else can damage the ball? The ball never made it out of your sight.
About the gate portion of it, I did say earlier that it may not have caused the damage, but sometime between releasing the ball and it meeting the gate, something did happen.

3 holes of fun!!

I honestly wish I knew.  All I do know is that my equipment was fine heading into last night.  I did get a call from the shop earlier today.  They did say that they would replace my Rising, but my Kinetic Energy is fixable.  They said to come in tomorrow, and they would have it ready.  If its not to my liking, that they will replace it as well.  I will, once again, take pictures and post them.

And lastly, yes I incorrectly stated the rake is what damaged the.  For the last time, I'm not saying that it did. I do NOT know what one thing led to the damage.  As for the owner, apparently he is only there roughly until 2-3pm every day.  I've only bowled in this house since I moved here in March, and I've still not met him yet.
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2008, 08:37:36 PM »
BS alarm.. BS alarm


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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2008, 10:13:36 PM »
As someone who was a mechanic for 4 years and in charge of the mechanic would come up and talk to you about how he messed the lanes up after he did it.

Sorry bro...callin BS bigtime....too many ridiculous claims here.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"