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Author Topic: So, is this ****** up or what????  (Read 4701 times)


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So, is this ****** up or what????
« on: October 08, 2008, 04:45:02 PM »
I head into my league tonight still riding the high of a very solid 767 last week.  The guy who "oils" the lanes, who never speaks to me, yet loves to give me dirty looks walks up to me while I'm talking to a few people and says this:

"So, it seems you did very well last week, lets see what you do tonight on lanes 15 and 16."  With no reasoning as to why he would say that, walks off.  In typical fashion, I always before practice go up to the foul line and just look at the lanes.  I also touch a spot about a foot up-just one of my things.  What I notice is that the left side is nice and slick.  The right side-nothing.  I turn around and see the guy at the desk with this stupid inbred smile on his face.

So, practice begins and I can't keep anything right of the pocket unless I'm in front of the ball return or over the gutter cap.  I know I don't know everything about bowling, but I at least know that I shouldn't be that deep at all(especially on the first shift).  Moving on.

Practice is over.  I'm leadoff on my team so I'm up and ready to go.  As I release the ball, the gate comes down, cracking my Rising.  Hmm, weird.  Again, I'm staring at the lane guy who can't even look me in the eye as he's "talking on the phone".  Keep in mind the gate doesn't come down on anyone else.  2nd frame, I have to switch to my Kinetic Energy.  Weird.  As I release the ball, the gate comes down again, cracking that ball.  As I shout some expletives, the league president comes over to see what the issue is.  As I, and not only my team, our opponents, and the teams on the pairs next to us tell him, up comes the 3rd frame, and now I have to use my Pearl.  

Obviously, I'm beyond pissed and had enough of the b.s.  So this time, I make my delivery but I don't release the ball.  The damn gate comes down again, and I had enough.  So, I run to the back and chase the pinsetter out.  He and the lane guy run into the office and lock the door.  The league president got the house propietor(spelling?) on the phone and told him what happened.  I was promised that I would get both balls replaced and drilled at their expense, and the lane guy and pinsetter would be remprimanded.  That's it?????

Moving on, instead of just packing up and leaving I stayed to not screw the team over.  Wound up shooting 158 and 188 the first two game.  Even my weakest ball could not stay right of the pocket and I could not make my spares(Which I blame on not concentrating at all).  I finally clear my head by the third game and remembered a tip that my coach in Virginia gave me over 2 years ago.  It was to completely flatten my wrist when the lanes are fried.  I pulled off a 259 with my Kinetic Pearl.  That was the only thing good that happened tonight, but not worth it considering I still shot horribly and cost my team 2 games.
Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly
Proceed to blows, swinging swords like Shinobi-Triumph, Wu Tang Clan

High game-300
High series-796



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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2008, 07:44:39 AM »
When it comes to messing with my beer, you can think about it... but don't do it!


Don't ever think about messing with my beer.
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Unless, you were harmed.  In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2008, 07:51:46 AM »
yeah i have to say i ran a bowling alley for some years
and never seen a sweep break a ball. seen several sweeps give in. and sometimes even fall off. but never crack a ball.
Lord Field Staff


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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2008, 08:09:16 AM »
As for this story, I have to call BS.

In bowling over thirty years, I've never seen a ball crack hitting a sweep.

The worse damage I've seen is a nice divot taken out of a ball that hit a sweep at 28 MPH, and it hit the sweep right at the edge by the support arm (a shot at the ten pin), and the sweep itself was severly damaged.

I also find it hard to believe the pinsetter would still have his job after the owner found out.  Paying for the damage to two balls and potential of expensive damage to the sweeps by this guy's alleged actions are more than any proprietor is willing to accept for some flunky's spiteful attempt at revenge towards you.  Not to say anything for the damage to the reputation of the establishment.

Sorry to say it, but this story is complete BS...
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"This post may contain sarcasm, things that look like sarcasm, and things that might be mistaken as sarcasm. My sarcasm is self-made at my environmentally friendly laboratory and no human or animal was harmed to create the sarcasm found within this post."

Unless, you were harmed.  In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
Disclaimer provided by Jorge, Thanks.
Sarcasm Disclaimer:
"This post may contain sarcasm, things that look like sarcasm, and things that might be mistaken as sarcasm. My sarcasm is self-made at my environmentally friendly laboratory, no human or animal was harmed to create the sarcasm contained within."


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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2008, 08:53:02 AM »
I'm leaning toward the BS side as well.

Rakes (Brunswick) are generally made of metal, thick enough to withstand many severe blows, but definitely not enough to break a bowling ball.  The rake attaches to two arms, often connected directly to the machine elbows all of which will be affected by any rake hit.

Sweeps (AMF) are generally made of plastic (dependant upon model, e.g. 82/30 vs. 82/70) and are equipped with an abundance of shock absorbers to protect the rods from being bent and unintentionally adjusted.  Most sweeps are cheap and not of durable quality, and often break in half if hit anywhere near where the pocket would be, especially at high speeds.

No mechanic or bowling center proprietor wants to see or hear about a rake/sweep being hit.


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Re: So, is this ****** up or what????
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2008, 09:24:08 AM »
What a bunch of bullcrap.

Not sure what's more unbelievable, his balls cracking upon impact of the purposely dropped down gates, or 2 guys running scared crapless and locking themselves up in an office just so they don't get beat up by a real scary and tough great cranker that they've purposely targeted.
