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Author Topic: So many balls...yet still holes in arsenal. Help please  (Read 944 times)


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So many balls...yet still holes in arsenal. Help please
« on: December 19, 2003, 03:06:10 AM »
Ok, I have all of my balls on the floor in front of me and even with 9 balls, there are still certain reactions that I need that I cannot find with the equipment I am using now.  I still need a controllable early reading ball that is continuous, but reads the midlane very well.  But it seems like everytime I set up a ball to give me this look it's a completely different reaction.  I only have one ball that give me the even read I am looking for but it is in a polished particle pearl and sometimes it just skids too much before it starts reading the lane, when sanded it has no energy at the deck to finish.  It's constantly driving me nuts on conditions that I need something to start rolling in the midlane and using some early flare without burning up at the deck.

My axis point is 4 3/4 over, 7/16ths up.  Here is what I have

Phenom Unleashed(4 x 3 7/8ths, MB 5 inches from PAP)raw power throughout the whole lane
Nighthawk Revenge(2 x 2 weighthole on PAP, 1/4oz negative weight)the particle pearl i mentioned above
Nighthawk Menace(5 1/2 x 4, MB in strong position)long and weak on backend
Monster Reactive(5 x 3 3/4ths)great for opening up lane, lots of backend
Columbia Special(5x4, Reation Ricochet coverstock, K.O Punch core)only good deep inside
Track Threat(4 1/2 x 4 1/2, weighthole 2 inches past PAP)very squirty for me
Ebonite Test Ball(6 x 5, experimental coverstock, core from Savage)long, strong rolling on the backend, flares 5 inches though with weak drilling
Hammer Patriot(5 1/2 x 5 1/2, Reaper coverstock, Spike Core)longest, weakest ball

Even though a Vortex 2 with a control drill like a 1 1/2 x 4 would be awesome I really don't want to mess with anymore Ebonite equipment.  I'm most interested in anything except Ebonite or Storm but I'm not that experienced with the new stuff from the other companies since I've been throwing all Ebonite and Track for the past 2 years and alot of 1996-1998 equipment.  Any help, suggestions would be appreciated.
-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004



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Re: So many balls...yet still holes in arsenal. Help please
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2003, 09:42:09 PM »
I had! and have a  real nice luck for control with a 3 3/8 X 1 Sledgehammer with a weighthole on PAP.

Also I had a PRO Zone Azure drilled 2 X 4, wasn't that lovely(till stolen).

The neat thing about a two by 4 or 4 1/2 is that after setting up with 3/4 side weight one can throw and then adjust backend with a weighthole past val or even out more with a weighthole on PAP or leave as is!

I tried 2 X 2's and they did not give me the evenness of the 2 X 4 or 2 X 4 1/2 drilling!


I believe both  3 X 4 and 2 X 4 drillings are something not used today and super additions to today's arsenals particularly on slippery synthetic with big backends.  Just told a friend about 3 X 4s (hook early midlane and flip also in the back and he had a 268 on a shot where he just couldn't get a look.


PPS think when do I need early roll and even backends.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: So many balls...yet still holes in arsenal. Help please
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2003, 10:37:49 PM »
WARP ZONE - Take it to around 800 to 1000 grit and hit it with polish. Lay it out similar to this one:

You might even want to put the pin a little farther right. Definitely get some mid-lane read. Should be a strong but controllable reaction. You can tweak the cover or add a hole depending on how it plays for you, but it's the ball you're looking for. I threw a Threat for a short while - I wasn't thrilled either.

Edited on 12/19/2003 11:51 PM