O.K., first off, let me say that I know I will be disagreed with, and most likely flamed for it, but this is my honest opinion. Call me crazy if you like.
I am one of the "older generation" of bowlers. I remember a time when bowling was just as this "Dale" character portrays it. Ball, lane, and oil technology were very limited and your scores pretty much depended on your physical ability to perform more repetitively and accurately than your opponents to win. I basically sort of agreed with him in principle, but that was all, and his manner had begun to grate on me.
That being said, I have finally let go of "the old days" and started to embrace the new days and ways. I have even begun to become critical of others who have not been able to do so and have even posted replies in threads here to that effect. Technology is here to stay. If I am going to embrace CD's, Hi Def T.V., and other "creature comforts", who am I to complain about technology in my sport?
Now, along comes Ebonite with an ad program using a "shill" to bait people in, portraying a slightly obsessive person, complaining that the "integrity of the game" is being ruined by them. People like me can sympathize with him, even if we disagree with his demeanor and methods. Now, I find out it is all FAKE, that I have been lured into an advertising scheme, and now feel very foolish for being sympathetic to his viewpoint while being critical of his tactics. In other words, I feel like my opinions and views were nothing more than a joke to be made fun of by a big, corporate giant for nothing other than capital gains. I have wasted my time and my concern in being responsive to someone and something that was a lie all along.
To make a longer story shorter, I feel I have been intellectually insulted, because I actually cared. Cared about the integrity of the game. Cared about Dale Jenkins. Only to find out it was all just one, big joke.
I feel I am being "laughed at" by them for having my view of the game and the way technology has impacted it. I feel "made fun of" for being concerned that the SPORT was turning into a GAME at the expense of people who took their competitions very seriously.
PLEASE, do not take me wrong. I LOVE bowling. I promote it, I compete at it, I try to teach what I can to others, and I share my knowledge with those around me because I want THEM to enjoy it and love it as much as I do. I want EVERYONE to be good and have fun doing it. I, however, DO NOT appreciate feeling foolish for my efforts, for my concern about the sport, and all that I've tried to do to keep it alive here at home.
Many of you will laugh at me for this, and many more will think I am over-reacting. Thing is, when I care about something, I care. I become involved in it and take it very seriously. I have very strong feelings about bowling and it's future and cared about what I THOUGHT "Dale" was trying to say, only to now feel as foolish as his rantings have been. Just an advertising campaign you say? NOT TO ME, because I cared about the subject and the impact it is having on OUR sport.
Thank you, Ebonite Inc. and all your subsidiaries. You have now insulted my intelligence and played me for a fool, all because I got involved and cared.
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