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Author Topic: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……  (Read 4764 times)


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So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« on: January 17, 2009, 01:16:37 AM »
Our league president has been informed by the management that as from next week, the lanes will only be dressed three times a week - before Monday league, before Thursday league, and Friday or Saturday morning. The official reason given was to reduce cost (of lane conditioner etc).

Guess from now on I will only need to bring my XXXL to practice huh?!?! My local centre is only five minutes drive away, the next nearest three are all 35-45 minutes away, so I don’t have much choice.

On another note, in the last eight months our league pattern had been long and heavy with next to no movement at the backend. It is also very tight and out-of-bound outside the 8 board. Three weeks ago the mechanic and our league president had been experimenting different patterns, and have settled with (for now) 32 feet. It’s not so bad cos the volume is med-heavy, and it holds up pretty well. Still out of bound outside, but if I control my ball speed well, there is 4-5 board area at break point. My score has gone up a bit, so all is not lost!

Have your centre been cutting cost as well?

I''m a THS hack and a ball junkie.
Certified ball collector.


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Re: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2009, 01:45:30 PM »
That's just it, 9~.
The easy conditions that produce inflated scores are probably here to stay because the majority of bowlers don't want to know that they'd struggle on tough conditions. The customers can and will take their money elsewhere.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2009, 05:00:26 PM »
The place I travel 45 mins to on Fridays isn't as drastic but they oil in the early morning, allow all open bowlers all over the lanes all day long. They have youth programs, b-day parties you name it. Sometimes we wait for open bowlers to get off our pair so we can get ready for league and they don't re-oil. Surprisingly the shot holds up ok most nights but there are more than a few nights where the shot is drastically different from lane to lane or just completely wrecked. It teaches you to play different lines, hand positions, match up etc if nothing else. It's still an easy older house.

If my local lanes oiled only 3 times a week it would be ugly. The shot doesn't hold for a game let alone a few days.


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Re: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2009, 05:19:17 AM »
What, is the president of your league a sheep?  Pull out your contract and see if you have a clause in there about lane conditions.  Ask him how much "cost savings" he'll realize when you pull your league now and he has 20 + lanes sitting empty in prime time with no bar and grill income either.  Fight back!!!!!

Follow up on my original post –

I wish it’s that easy. The centre is catered for family open-play we only have two leagues (Mons & Thurs) and both are not sanctioned leagues. Sanctioned leagues are few and far between at this part of the world. Also, our league really doesn’t have any high-calibre bowlers it’s more like a ‘fun’ league. I guess I just have to take what’s given and suck it up!

I don’t mind tough league patterns, as long as they are consistent week-to-week so I can have a chance to work out how to score on the pattern. I only bring three balls (inc. spare) to league, and it’s frustrating sometimes when you’ve brought balls for short-pattern, only to find the lanes are dressed long and tight (or vice versa)

Yesterday I decided to drive to another centre to practice (35 mins away) rather than my local centre which is 5 mins away. I was practicing at that centre last week and the lanes were dressed (easy THS) but yesterday, guess what, the lanes weren’t dressed! The lanes were dry at the front and carry-down at the back due to all the open-play on Sunday. I ended up just using my XXXL and practice my spare game.

If I wanted to practice spares, I would have just gone to my local centre rather than to drive 35 minutes. Just feel cheated and wasted my hard-earned cash!

I'm a THS hack and a ball junkie.
Certified ball collector.


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Re: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2009, 07:34:27 AM »
That's the absolute WRONG AREA to cut costs on. Over the course of a month their savings aren't as big as they think, and what will really happen is that they will also cut their profits!!

A place with good conditions has happy bowlers.
Happy bowlers come back during the week and spend their money practicing, buying soft drinks, you name it... Chase them away, and find out how difficult it is to get them back.

They'd be better off slightly raising the cost for open play, especially during prime hours, with discounts during less busy parts of the day. But to take away the reason that bowlers come to their establishment (instead of a competitor) is stupid.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

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Re: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 03:19:02 PM »
another great saving plan is don't oil the left side!

I've been going to a center with that philosophy for 4 years in preparing for the upcoming recession/depression?


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

i hear you there.  one center i bowl at its oiled out to about the 9 board on the left and the 6 board on the right.  it just isnt cool.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason


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Re: So my local centre has decided to cut cost……
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2009, 07:14:21 PM »
Lisa,  didnt you tell me a few years ago you had one league where it was always a Chefs surprise on what kinda oil conditions you were going to get for the nite?

Yes, and that league moved to the high end of the same house and now they bowl on a standard house shot instead of the fun stuff.  Boo!  
White Dot
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