As charlest mentioned, Mo is the worst communicator in the industry. That pairs poorly with his arrogance - if you don’t understand what he’s saying, he treats you like an idiot. That only gets worse if you disagree with what he’s saying. Mo is exceptionally smart, but he will irritate you with condescending tones long before you absorb anything from him.
His business failures can be mostly traced back to his arrogance, IMO. Morich was a compilation of balls that the average person didn’t know how to use and the average pro shop didn’t know how to drill. Rather than adapt, he assumed people would catch up to his mindset. They didn’t.
Some of that is still apparent in Radical. For instances, the Fix marketing (asym if drilled pin up, sym if drilled pin down) is ineffective for 95% of bowlers out there. While most companies have seemed to revert to core designs that are driller-friendly, Mo has hitched his wagon to driller-versatile. Still, Phil seems to have had at least some effect on Mo to push out ball motions that the market wants to see. Hiding Mo in the back doesn’t hurt either.
In the last 5 years, I’ve taken lessons with Mo and several other top coaches. Mo was the only experience that I took nothing away from. His approach is to tell you what youre doing wrong in his own jargon, but not actually explain what he wants you to do differently or why it’s wrong. Most of that “telling†can be easily construed as “mocking.†Frankly, I think the only people that enjoy his sense of humor are his cronies on BowlingChat.