I dont know the 10 board from my thumb hole size, but i am still trying,God only knows why.I have been bowling a couple of weeks now with an epic battle and as best as i can figure there is never gonna be enough oil for this ball in my hands. I say this because my team mate through it and it was amazing off his hand. In my hand it was a sphere that rolled down a surface eventually ending up in the pit.
My query then is this ,and i have had some positive input on this topic , but anyway,what should i be throwing. I have thrown the big one wmb and now the epic battle and non of them have i been able to use. I just picked up an overtime and its a good ball ,but i am finding that where the battle is too much ball the overtime is still really not enough. My battle is drilled stacked 4x4 . pin is at 4 oclock and almost touching the ring finger. overtime is drilled 4.5x3and 3/8. it rolls really nice ,but where the epic nose dives it leaves the 10 pin,and i have nothing to fit that void.I am presently using (because my other stuff was stollen),ninja fury,hercules,turbo xl,(1in.pin),and a polished power groove. These are all decent for med to light short patterns, but its the intermediate shots where ,the battle in my hand ,is too strong , that i need help with.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling